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Chicken Knife Flee Effect Not Overwriting Itself🐛[BUG][Combat] #1863

Open FallonsReach opened 4 months ago

FallonsReach commented 4 months ago

What does this bug affect? Chicken Knife flee proc isn't overwriting itself when it's supposed to. Here is a retail example from the capture discord of this occurring:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhCDiANZnXw&t=944s https://discord.com/channels/443544205206355968/446400612582555658/1155371775882973216

Tested on Level 78 Greater Manticore as a level 58thf. According to the links above the the proc rate should be 1 in 3 on mobs 20 levels above the player. We parsed it as 1 in 7. The Flee effect would wear off and immediately reapply but never overwrite itself in a sample size of 81 hits.

Screenshots If a Dev would like the Kparse file, I can provide. image image