HorizonFFXI / HorizonXI-Issues

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🐛[BUG][Combat] Bloodthirster Madkix uses wrong placeholders #1864

Open GensoXI opened 4 months ago

GensoXI commented 4 months ago

What does this bug affect?

Bloodthirster Madkix in Kuftal Tunnel uses the wrong placeholders. It currently uses Goblin Mercenaries with IDs 17490173 and 17490182 - however these goblins are not in the room Bloodthirster Madkix spawns in (M8-M9) but on a lower floor. The correct placeholders should be the Goblin Mercenaries that spawn in the room - IDs 17490153 and 17490158.

Steps to Reproduce

!gotoid 17490173 !gotoid 17490182

See that these Goblins do not spawn in the same room as Bloodthister Madkix (M8-M9) but in a different area.

Expected behavior

Placeholders should be the Goblin Mercenaries that spawn in the room (M8-M9).



Setup Information


Additional context