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🐛[BUG][NPC/System] Nightmare Vase NM and it’s placeholders #1865

Open RedricThered opened 4 months ago

RedricThered commented 4 months ago

What does this bug affect?

Nightmare Vase NM spawn conditions

Nightmare Vase NM in RoMaeve does not spawn due to issues with placeholders not respawning after being killed. At some point, a GM confirmed that both placeholders are missing plus the NM was not up. I have a ticket exchange with GMs Revel and Violet who helped look into the issue and confirmed it’s a bug.

Steps to Reproduce

Go to RoMaeve and try to find the two place holders using the mob ID identified on the public ASB code base. They will likely be missing. You can force spawn them and then kill them to test and see they will not respawn again. Further testing needed to see Nightmare Vase gets stuck in the same manner. Keep in mind that 2 copies of Nightmare Vase can spawn together at and both be up. That’s just how Wiki explains it as normal behavior.

Expected behavior

Placeholders should be up and and should have 5 or 16min respawn time depending on zone. They should always respawn unless it’s the NM.


Setup Information

Additional context

You can see GM ticket number help-22915 for more info