HorizonFFXI / HorizonXI-Issues

Issue Tracker for HorizonXI
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🐛[BUG][System] Bst charmed mob 2 hr wearing off after 15 minutes, not 30. #1869

Open klostrophobik opened 4 months ago

klostrophobik commented 4 months ago

What does this bug affect?

Observing streamer "Mrmadhatter" whose Bst 2 hour wore off after 15 minutes and not 30. Steps to Reproduce

Player used 2 hour ability on charmed VT mob. After 15 minutes the mob became uncharmed. Expected behavior

The mob should have remained charmed for 30 minutes. Screenshots

https://clips.twitch.tv/CoyCovertChickenMVGame-6pwzd1Cx3d8eFZvS Setup Information

Additional context