HorizonFFXI / HorizonXI-Issues

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🐛[BUG][NPC]Bisque-heeled Sunberry -- Spawning Issues #1886

Open Ystial opened 2 months ago

Ystial commented 2 months ago

What does this bug affect?

Bisque-heeled Sunberry is supposed to be a timed spawn, every 1 to 2 hours, but does not spawn. 9 hours after maintenance he had not spawned and a GM confirmed this in a ticket I put in (discord server nickname Edouart, discord username Istial). Steps to Reproduce

Wait up to 2 hours for Bisque-heeled Sunberry to spawn after arriving at the spawn point. Expected behavior

Bisque-heeled Sunberry should spawn every 1 to 2 hours. Screenshots

Setup Information

Additional context

https://discord.com/channels/933423693848260678/1078575769959280701/1089952626365436014 The issue raised in discord a year ago, confirmed working on private instance by a developer and the suggestion of having a GM check.