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🐛[BUG][NPC/Voluptuous Vivian/Draws in Bark Spider #1895

Open Exsoldier7 opened 2 weeks ago

Exsoldier7 commented 2 weeks ago

Voluptuous Vivian draws in Bark Spider Our current BST would charm a Bark Tarantula near by the NM and engage with it, which would eventually then drawn in all near by Bark Tarantulas including a random Bark Spider from the beginning of the zone.

My assumption of what's suppose to happen is that the NM draws in all 21 Bark Tarantulas in the zone, but since one is charmed it draws in a Bark Spider instead.

The issue with the draw in on the Bark Spider is that it is then shared to the individual farming and ends up with the initial threat of all 21 Bark Tarantulas which I believe teleports on the player that was farming spider webs.

Also, I know the server is era+ but not sure if the developers intentionally wanted the NM's TP moves Bad Breath/Sweet Breath to be AoE (50 range) rather than what it is suppose to be back on retail TP moves Bad Breath/Sweet Breath to be Cone AoE (15 range).

Game v1.2.3 (update #9) Launcher v1.2.3