Horthy / HPMP

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Bad Frank's Suggestions #26

Open BadFrank opened 7 years ago

BadFrank commented 7 years ago

Ottomans -Nerf arab revolt decision to great wars only and remove it if arab pops are already accepted -Add alternative decision tree to accept balkan pops at the expense of arab pops (which is also a balance since Albania and Bosnia would be removed as accepted from Tanzmit reform) -Change ottoman's name to balkan republic or islamic republic depending on accepted pops and remove the requirement for monarchy for accepting cultures, as well as stopping turkey from "forming" while they still control territory outside Anatolia (i.e. only changing to turkish republic when dismantled or capital moved to Ankara)
-add Kurd genocide alternative decision to remove kurdistan cores (historically the kurds helped genocide Armenians, so you could play either group against the other)

Russia -Currently its impossible to use the decision to integrate Lithuania into the baltic states because it can not be used while the baltic states are a sub-state -Russia starts with avante garde culture tech school even though it's a backwards shit hole -Keep Russian cores on Kazakhstan when Russia is dismantled -add decision to deport Crimean tatars to central asia and remove Crimea cores (mass politics) -add siberia deportation decision for unaccepted pops (maybe 10% of a population)

France -add Saar republic from dismantled Germany when France has a truce
-add wallon as accepted culture and cores for fascist France -add algerian coast cores for fascist France -add life rating normalization to 35 for fascist/communist France -change national value to order for fascist/communist France -add Catalonia as a French puppet when dismantling Spain
-add reputation drop with Italy for Tunis annexation event

UK -re-add irish and jersey(channel islands) cores for fascist UK -add decision for cores on Brittany as fascist UK (but not accepted culture)

Spain -Fix falangist doctrine decision for fascist Spain to annex portugal (its currently bugged, either immediately start a conquest war or give spain all portugal states as cores) -add Sardinia to falangist doctrine cores

Scandinavia -add Estonia and Latvia cores for fascist Scandinavia/Sweden

Portugal -add galicia cores for fascist Portugal

Persia -add farsi as a formable pan-nationalist country for afghanistan, persia, and tajikstan. They all speak the same language and arab union is already in the game.

Egypt -change Egypt to a civilized country when organized -change Egypt organization decision to require mass politics -add Arab revolt decision against occupying country

USA -add Canada cores for fascist USA -remove texan culture

Czechoslovakia -Change national value to commerce

Kurdistan -Change to civilized country -add Kurdish revolt decision against countries with cores when at war

China -give inner mongolia to mongolia on dismantlement -give tibet greater tibet cores on dismantlement -remove heavenly kingdom deleting civilization progress

Naval -Buff Dreadnaughts since the latest HPM change doubled their oil costs -predraughnaughts are supposed to be obsolete garbage by the 20th century any way -Remove Dreadnaught limit cap to make oil a more valuable resource and add realism -Add conference decisions for dreadnaught limits based on global rankings My most excellent decision among those listed (and also hardest to implement)

Communism -remove all pacifist communist parties and add jingoism instead, pacifist communism is just socialism -add an option to expand all factories in a single state to deal with the insane mirco-management; if not the whole country -add soviet reforms to Russia, Austria, Spain, and Ottomans to add several pops as accepted (Ideally central asia for Russia, danube cultures for Austria, Tanzmit reform pops for ottomans, and catalan/basque/filipino for spain). This is balanced because communism currently removes the possibility for Austria and Ottomans to add these accepted cultures given under constitutional monarchy, and also historical because they would be in a parallel USSR situation instead of creating some kind of nationalist worker's republic. I would also make the decision require mass politics to limit these accepted pops to the last thirty years of gameplay
-Remove national names from these countries (Turkish socialist republic/ Austria) to reflect their soviet nature (Soviet is merely russian for council!) -add a -10% commerce research penalty for communism

General -remove residency policy requirement for closed border decision (open border USSR wtf??) -remove jingoism requirements to add war goals for Communist/Fascist countries -add influence -/+ to ideologically similar countries

BadFrank commented 7 years ago

United Baltic Duchy -Give cores in estonia and lativa so they aren't stuck with zero admin (tag UBD) -Also this allows the country to be liberated outside a dismantlement

A-H -Decision for the Magyarization of Transylvania (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magyarization) -The percentage of the population with Hungarian as its mother tongue grew from 46.6% in 1880 to 54.5% in 1910. -Between 1850 and 1910 the ethnic Hungarian population increased by 106.7%, while the increase of other ethnic groups was far slower: Serbians and Croatians 38.2%, Romanians 31.4% and Slovaks 10.7%

Romania -Opposing decision for romanization

Hungary -Remove decision to add cores on Croatia (AI Hungary always invades Croatia) -add cores on Hungarian Slovakia for fascist Hungary

Japan -Add mines and plantation RGO normalization decision for non Japan countries in case of colonization

article XI of the Articles of Confederation says:

Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States