Closed Ilarius closed 1 year ago
Hi @Ilarius, thanks for reaching out. Your partial SNV file looks OK, perhaps the issue is later in the file. Based on the error message, it looks like at least one of the lines in your SNV file has less than four white-space separated items. Try the command with just the small snippet you posted to verify. The following awk command will print out the linenumber and the line itself of any line with less than 4 items.
awk 'NF < 4 {print NR":",$0}' snv_scReadCounts.txt
Let me know if this doesn't identify the problem.
hello! Yes the problem was that the file contained also deletions (white spaces) and small insertions (more than one nt). It can't work with those correct?
Hello I am getting this error in the very beginning of the script
My SNV file is a space delimited file starting like this:
The pooled bam file has CB:Z tags:
End the script I used to run the analysis is the following:
What is going wrong? I can't find the file on github