HotcakesCommerce / hotcakes-commerce-core

The core of the e-commerce part of the overall solution. This is an ecommerce shopping cart solution built on top of the DNN (DotNetNuke) CMS. Anyone can do commerce online now!
MIT License
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Issues with Guest checkout in Hotcakes 3.5.0 #365

Open moorecreative opened 3 years ago

moorecreative commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

When checking out as a Guest checkout, the order completes, however the user is shown the checkout page module with a message of "Please, login to view your order". At this state, the user is "logged in" however they do not have a "real" user and cannot log in. If I load the same cart checkout page with a completely logged out user (public access) then the checkout receipt screen shows correctly.

Software Versions

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the cart and perform a GUEST checkout
  2. The next screen at cart completion is /Checkout/action/receipt/id/guidhere
  3. the message displayed is
    <div class="hcMvcView">
    <div class="dnnFormMessage">
    <span class="dnnModMessageHeading"></span>
    <span>Please, login to view your order</span>
  4. The state of the DNN instance is that the user shows as "logged in" because the state of login / logout buttons in the skin show the option for logout
  5. at this point, you can open an incognito window for the same site and page url and, while logged out as a public user, load the same page /Checkout/action/receipt/id/guidhere
    and will see the receipt information successfully
  6. as soon as you click to logout of that site, the logged out state of the checkout page shows the receipt screen correctly.

Expected behavior

allow a guest checkout to properly see their receipt on the checkout page

Actual behavior

There is now a problem with guest checkout where at order completion, the guest user is displayed a "please log in" message in the receipt screen vs their receipt

NOTE, this is also what the admin/host user sees when loading that same page


Error log

no errors are generated during this process

Additional Notes

WillStrohl commented 2 years ago

Are you still seeing this issue in version 3.6?

Navilois commented 2 years ago

I remember reporting that issue years ago in whatever existed before zendesk ;) I don't remember the root cause, but I solved it by adding a custom workflow to create and login a user.

moorecreative commented 2 years ago

Have not upgraded yet to Hotcakes 3.6 but can do that in the next few weeks and retest the scenario