Hothomir / weather-report

Weather display project, featuring Inky e-ink displays and a Raspberry Pi.
MIT License
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[BUG] Inky Impression displays have inverted colors. #17

Open blockarchitech opened 2 years ago

blockarchitech commented 2 years ago

On Inky Impression displays, black/white is inverted. Inverting the BG, and other colors doesn't fix this, neither does PIL inverting colors.

Continuing to try and fix this, but it may be a few days before I find a solution.

Hothomir commented 2 years ago

So with the wHAT display, I made the background images with GIMP. I had to index the colors so that they would properly show up. I'm seeing that the Impression varies a lot, but maybe there needs to be a new image created to suit that display. Check this out:

blockarchitech commented 2 years ago

Will do. Thanks!

blockarchitech commented 2 years ago

Update: Still trying to figure out what colors go where, but the background is now white with black text! We're getting somewhere!

blockarchitech commented 2 years ago

okay - got something partially working, almost done!

blockarchitech commented 2 years ago

Due to limitations of PIL, unfortunately I think having inverted colors are the only option. I'm going to try and see if there's an API to invert colors, but that requires sending images to a 3rd party.

I'm experimenting with advanced color correction in photoshop, with the absolute correct values.