Hotrian / OVRdrop-Public

Public issue/feature tracker for OVRdrop
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Saved profile should include captured window selection #43

Open aaira-a opened 6 years ago

aaira-a commented 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new profile
  2. Set the captured window to a new Firefox browser title (can be any name/site) instance
  3. Save the profile
  4. Close OVRdrop
  5. Reopen OVRdrop, and reload the saved profile

Expected outcome:

Actual outcome:

Hotrian commented 6 years ago

This is actually a feature request, rather than a bug report.

OVRdrop does not currently attach window selections to "profiles".

Although, you can kind of do this by using one of the launch flags

-target-title "Window Title Here"
-target-exe "Application.exe"

This would cause OVRdrop to attempt auto-targeting. However OVRdrop should attempt to load your last saved profile, and there isn't currently a launch flag for overriding that.

aaira-a commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the response. One use case is that one may save different profiles for different games, and each targeting different application.

By the way feel free to close this as there is an existing workaround using launch flags :)

Hotrian commented 6 years ago

No problem. I agree that OVRdrop’s profile system needs a redesign.

Currently trying to port away from Unity, since I believe it is causing issues with the capture driver. Not Unity’s fault though, as it isn’t intended for this kind of application. I just didn’t know going in. Going well so far, but trying to rebuild all the Overlay code takes a bit.

For the new version of OVRdrop I plan to have a profile system that makes a lot more sense :P