Hotrian / OpenVRDesktopDisplayPortal

Put your favorite Desktop Window directly into any OpenVR game!
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Add Default Profile options #16

Closed Hotrian closed 7 years ago

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

It would be nice if the list of profiles was already populated with handy setups, and I'll see about adding some when I have the chance.

Feel free to post your favorite settings in the comments down below. Would be nice if you could upload a picture or short gif of the overlay in action, as well as a screenshot of the config in the desktop window.

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

Still planning on added some default profiles but they would probably only affect new users anyway or users who had deleted all of their profiles (triggering a regeneration). I'm thinking it would be handy to have a few profiles for each device type (World/Screen/Controller) that would benefit new users who are having some difficulties finding the overlays in some cases.

It would significantly reduce the trial and error phase in trying to get the overlays setup.

I can poll SteamVR for the play area size. Perhaps I could set it up so there are some profiles such as

that would automatically be mapped to just inside the edges of your play space? They wouldn't actually be mapped to North/East/South/West of course since there's no built in compass, but instead they would be mapped in reference to "forward" in your play area being North.

Additionally I'm thinking some presets like

would all be incredibly useful for new users learning the ropes.

Of course it would remain possible to delete any (or all) of the default profiles, but I think it would be nice if you could regenerate the defaults by deleting all of your profiles (or the profiles file).

It should be easy enough to implement, and won't break any functionality, so I'm marking for v1.0.6.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?