HotspotStoplight / Climate

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add fns to calculate exposure and vulnerability from gridded pop and human development index data #29

Closed nlebovits closed 4 months ago

nlebovits commented 4 months ago

Data are now pulled from:

Flood probability, which is 0 to 1, is multiplied by minmax scaled pop data for the bounding box of the country in question, which gives an exposure score from 0 to 1.

Exposure is then multiplied by z-score normalized HDI data to give a vulnerability score.

Both exposure and vulnerability are written as geotiffs to the relevant /outputs cloud bucket.

Note: this latter score can/should be updated to also be minmax scaled (previously I was working from GDP, so normalizing made more sense).

olivegardener commented 4 months ago

are you using both HDI and GDP to calculate population vulnerability. or just HDI?