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Containerize workflow #52

Closed nlebovits closed 1 week ago

nlebovits commented 7 months ago

Per ChatGPT:

For a command-line-based data pipeline in Python, especially one that utilizes Poetry for dependency management, the approach to containerization and deployment on Google Compute Engine (GCE) needs to be slightly adjusted. Let's refine the steps to cater to a data pipeline and incorporate Poetry: Step 1: Prepare Your Python Data Pipeline

Ensure your data pipeline script (e.g., is well-tested and ready. Since you're using Poetry, your project should have a pyproject.toml file and potentially a poetry.lock file to lock dependencies to specific versions. Step 2: Create a Dockerfile for Your Data Pipeline

Adjust the Dockerfile to install Poetry and use it to install your project's dependencies. Here’s how you might adjust the Dockerfile:


Use an official Python runtime as a parent image

FROM python:3.8

Install Poetry

RUN pip install poetry

Set the working directory in the container


Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app

COPY . /app

Install project dependencies using Poetry

RUN poetry config virtualenvs.create false \ && poetry install --no-dev --no-interaction --no-ansi

Ensure is executable

RUN chmod +x data/src/

Command template for running the data pipeline; this will be overridden

CMD ["echo", "Use docker run to specify a country, e.g., docker run my-data-pipeline Nicaragua"]

Step 3: Build Your Docker Image

From your project directory, run:


docker build -t my-data-pipeline .

Step 4: Test Your Docker Container Locally

To run your data pipeline for a specific country (e.g., Nicaragua) locally, execute:


docker run my-data-pipeline poetry run python data/src/ Nicaragua

Steps 5 & 6: Push Your Docker Image to GCR and Deploy to GCE

These steps remain largely the same as in the previous guide, with the adjustment for the image name and ensuring your Google Cloud project is set up for container deployment. Step 7: Running Your Data Pipeline on GCE

After deploying your container to a GCE VM, you'll want to run your data pipeline. Since this setup does not expose a web service but rather runs a command-line tool, you would typically SSH into your VM and run the container manually for the desired country, like so:


docker run my-data-pipeline poetry run python data/src/ Nicaragua

Alternatively, if you seek a more automated or scheduled execution (e.g., running your pipeline daily), you might consider using Google Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Functions or Cloud Run services that, in turn, execute commands on your GCE VM. However, direct scheduled execution on GCE instances would typically involve setting up a cron job on the VM itself. Additional Considerations

Poetry's Environment: Note that the poetry config virtualenvs.create false command is used to ensure dependencies are installed globally in the Docker container, which avoids issues with locating the installed packages.
Security and Permissions: If your data pipeline accesses other cloud resources, ensure your GCE VM has the necessary permissions and network configurations.
Logging and Monitoring: Utilize Google Cloud's operations suite for logging and monitoring your data pipeline's executions to troubleshoot and optimize performance.

This adapted workflow should help you containerize and deploy your command-line-based Python data pipeline with Poetry on Google Compute Engine.