Am working on a custom plugin for reloading Javalin on any class or resource change. I have the class reloading part working and the resource reloading works, but has some quirks or areas I don't understand
Is it necessary to use the watchResources property in if we want to watch for resource changes? If so, what is the purpose of the "path" parameter in the @OnResourceFileEvent annotation?
When I save a single file with a single word change, I seem to receive multiple file change events. Is this expected (I assume it is the IDE being clever to avoid losing data on a crash) and do I need to do anything specific to deal with it - right now I am using a scheduled reflection command and it appears to only be being called once, but I don't know exactly how that works!
Finally, thanks very much for what is a fantastically useful piece of code. With the reload plugin implemented, the application restarts in 10ms which makes for a much nicer development workflow
Hi there.
Am working on a custom plugin for reloading Javalin on any class or resource change. I have the class reloading part working and the resource reloading works, but has some quirks or areas I don't understand
Finally, thanks very much for what is a fantastically useful piece of code. With the reload plugin implemented, the application restarts in 10ms which makes for a much nicer development workflow