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Write Specifaction for the Update Tables (ideas in here) #16

Closed s4ke closed 9 years ago

s4ke commented 9 years ago

definitely has to have a field called "id". This should be a reserved name (and exceptions should be triggered in the modelparser etc.). This has to be in all the *Updates classes as well.

s4ke commented 9 years ago

all update tables have to share ids meaning that no id should happen twice so we can order by id when handling stuff.

s4ke commented 9 years ago

this can be accomplished via a stored procedure

s4ke commented 9 years ago

one implementation could use a table that contains available ids. :)

s4ke commented 9 years ago

we also have to make sure that events are unioned.

s4ke commented 9 years ago

not unioned, but we will have to create all queries at once, then order by id and get the first one of each resultset at the same time and then choose the first one from there. and so on.

s4ke commented 9 years ago

for the tests we can just create an Update class just for Place. We have to test the correct order with this.