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gpcc install #16

Closed yourlei closed 7 years ago

yourlei commented 7 years ago

gpcc 安装记录

gpcc(Greenplum Command Center)是pivotal提供的Greenplum性能监控工具, 可监控各segment的状态、内存使用情况、磁盘io. 安装包可以在这里下载


  1. 执行下面的命令,建立名为gpperfmon的数据库,默认使用gpmon用户 `[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpperfmon_install --enable --password gpmon --port 5432`


  1. 重启数据库

`[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpstop -r`



  1. 查看gpmmon进程是否已经启动 `gpadmin@mdw ~]$ ps -ef | grep gpmmon| grep -v grep```

4 . 查看Performance Monitor数据库写入数据是否正常,检查是否有记录写入 [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ psql -d gpperfmon -c 'select * from system_now'

  1. 如果配置了master的standby,拷贝Master主机拷贝配置文件到Standby Master的相应目录

    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpscp -h smdw /data/master/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf =:$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/
    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpscp -h smdw ~/.pgpass =:~/
  2. 安装gpccc,注意是root用户

    [root@mdw local]# unzip greenplum-cc-web-3.0.1-LINUX-x86_64.zip
    [root@mdw local]# ./greenplum-cc-web-3.0.1-LINUX-x86_64.bin
    [root@mdw local]# chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web
    [root@mdw local]# chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-3.0.1
  3. 设置环境变量

    [root@mdw local]# echo "source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-3.0.1/gpcc_path.sh" >>/home/gpadmin/.bashrc
    [root@mdw ~]# echo "source /usr/local/greenplum-db-" >>.bashrc 
    [root@mdw ~]# source .bashrc
    [root@mdw ~]# chmod 777 /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-3.0.1/gpcc_path.sh
    [root@mdw ~]# source /usr/local/greenplum-db/greenplum_path.sh
    [root@mdw ~]# source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web/gpcc_path.sh
  4. 在所有主机安装GPCCC

[root@mdw ~]# gpccinstall -f /home/gpadmin/conf/hostlist
  1. 复制配置文件到其他节点主机
    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpscp -h sdw1 .bashrc =:~/
    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpscp -h sdw2 .bashrc =:~/
  2. 配置安装详细项

gpcmdr --setup

   Please enter a new instance name:输入gpcc
   Is the master host for the Greenplum Database remote? Yy|Nn (default=N):n
   What would you like to use for the display name for this instance:gpcc
   What port does the Greenplum Database use? (default=5432):回车
   will you install workload manaager (default=N):Y
   What port would you like the web server to use for this instance?回车
   Do you want to enable SSL for the Web API Yy|Nn (default=N):n
   Do you want to copy the instance to a standby master host Yy|Nn (default=Y): 没有standby n
   What is the hostname of the standby master host? [mdw]:回车 
  1. 启动实例 gpcmdr --start gpcc

  2. 登录 ip:28080

Houfeng commented 7 years ago


Junvn commented 6 years ago
