Hounddog / hd-social-oauth2

Social Oauth2 Module for integration with ZF2 Apigility
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A little readme on project direction #10

Closed EMCP closed 10 years ago

EMCP commented 10 years ago

I'm glad to see others stepping into the void and working on OAuth consumers for Apigility.. before I fork I wanted to get some clarification what the project hopes to accomplish.

For my particular use case I want to allow login via FB, Twitter .. but I have some additional data providers that have nothing to do with logging in. Care to provide some more clarity about the project in the readme?

Hounddog commented 10 years ago

Hi, This module allows you to login via Facebook twitter etc i am using hybrid auth currently to authenticate against social plattforms. Just be aware this is more suited towards my own project currently and propably needs some polishing to fit your needs.

EMCP commented 10 years ago

Got it.. I'm working on a bare bones OAuth Module and was hoping to help out.. Hybrid Auth isn't quite what we're looking for I think though.

Hounddog commented 10 years ago

If you think you could integrate twitter etc without hybridauth that would even be better. I would love to do away with it. It just provided me the simplest way to get going.

EMCP commented 10 years ago

I've done some work on WiThings OAuth provider, without using anything but Zend libraries to perform cURL..

see https://groups.google.com/a/zend.com/forum/#!topic/apigility-users/8tJSsPY4DSU

EMCP commented 10 years ago

Uploaded my work so far to https://github.com/EMCP/emcp-apigility-oauth-consumer

It's essentially a easy way for you to initiate a WiThings Authorization URL for some user of your system.. It's still a work in progress. right now it's just doing Withings