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Authorization + Authentication service in Golang using JWT submission #11

Open RohitShah1706 opened 1 year ago

RohitShah1706 commented 1 year ago

Authorization + Authentication service in Golang using JWT

Please check this out before proceeding to installation. Did you follow this or not ? Error connecting to DB. Follow this.

Where is the source code ?

backend/cmd - contains the main.go file and all the other necessary folders.

backend/test - contains the test code.


Architecture / Stack


This app requires Go v1.20+ to run.
Also make sure to install docker and docker-compose for your operating system.

Clone the repository

  git clone

Run using go locally.

Install the dependencies:

  cd houseware---backend-engineering-octernship-RohitShah1706/backend
  go mod download

Run the application

  go run cmd/main.go

This will start the dev server on port 8080.

Or run using docker in dev environment

We will use the following docker images along with our own go-app image Plugin Links

Build required docker images and start the container.

  docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d --build

This will automatically start the go-app on port 8080 if in dev mode.
If in prod mod it will start the server on port 80 TCP.

This docker-compose file sets up a basic web application with three services: Container Role
go-app Handles the main login for running the app.
nginx Acts as a reverse proxy to the go-app service, so incoming traffic to the application can be efficiently directed to the appropriate service. Can also act as a load-balancer to distribute requests across multiple instances of the go-app service.
mysql Runs MySQL database and creates a persistent volume for data storage. This way your data persists even after tearing down the containers.

This setup provides a scalable and easily deployable web application architecture that can be customized further according to specific requirements.

Environment Variables

To run this application, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file.
For development mode the .env file is present in backend directory.












Important change to be made before running

DB_HOST in .env file should be localhost if running the app using go command.
DB_HOST in .env file should be mysql or whatever is the name of your MySQL service so that docker's internal dns will replace with the appropriate IP Address.

Postman API Reference

Postman API access - all the endpoints are here for your direct testing.

Admin endpoints - protected with isAdminCheck middleware

Create Organisation

  POST /api/org
Body Type Description
name string Required Name of the organisation
head string Required Name of the head of organisation

Delete Organisation

  DELETE /api/org
Body Type Description
name string Required Name of the organisation

Update Organisation details

  PATCH /api/org
Body Type Description
name string Required Name of the organisation
head string Required Name of the new head of organisation

Create User Account

  POST /api/auth
Body Type Description
username string Required Name of the user
password string Required Password that will be hashed while storing in the DB
org_id string Required Organisation the user belongs to

Delete User Account

  DELETE /api/auth
Body Type Description
username string Required Name of the user

User endpoints - public

Login to account - will create a new JWT token with expiry time of 1 hour

  POST /api/auth/login
Body Type Description
username string Required Name of the user
password string Required Password of the user

Refresh access token - grants a new acces token with an expiry time of 24 hours

  POST /api/auth/refresh
Cookie Type Description
jwt access token Required Users should be logged in and have a valid access token to refresh the current token

Get user account

  GET /api/auth/user
Cookie Type Description
jwt access token Required Users should be logged in and have a valid access token to get their account details


  GET /api/auth/logout
Cookie Type Description
jwt access token Required Users should be logged in and have a valid access token to logout

Get people in same organisation

  GET /api/org
Cookie Type Description
jwt access token Required Users should be logged in and have a valid access token to get list of users in their organisation

Running Unit Tests

To run tests, run the following commands.
Flush the whole DB before running the tests so that mock data doesn't intersect with the previous data.

Make sure you are in the root directory of the project where the docker-compose files are present.
Start the MySQL server service only if you are using Docker.

  docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml -f .\ up -d mysql

Now run unit tests.
Make sure you are in the backend directory where the go.mod file is located.

    cd backend
    go test ./test -v


DB Design

The database will have two tables called "users" and "organisations" that will store the user and organisation details respectively. The tables will have the following columns:

Users Table

Column Name Data Type Description
id int Unique ID for each user
username string Name of the user
password string Password of the user
is_admin bool Is the user an admin
org_id int ID of the organisation

Organisations Table

Column Name Data Type Description
id int Unique ID for each org
name string Name of the organisation
head string Name of the head of the organisation

The "id" column will be the primary key for both tables. The "org_id" column in the "users" table will be a foreign key that references the "id" column in the "organisations" table.

The password will be hashed using bcrypt before being stored in the database to ensure security.


