Houston-Inc / grunt-bunyip

Best grunt bunyip runner so far!
MIT License
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Publish to npm registry #2

Open mente opened 11 years ago

mente commented 11 years ago


Why don't you publish this plugin to npm registry? It stops me from using it in my project.

bleadof commented 11 years ago

On Jan 29, 2013, at 11:47 , Alex Vasilenko notifications@github.com wrote:


Why don't you publish this plugin to npm registry? It stops me from using it in my project.

Because the current test setup doesn't work on current implementation of Yeti. And the reason is that yeti now "supports" mocha tests, but it really doesn't support the use case we have. Where the tests are using require.js and hence are loaded asynchronously. The current support for mocha tests on yeti only supports the case where yeti decides when the tests are ready to be run. This is problematic in multiple ways. I think it's the test loaders responsibility to say when the tests are run and to be honest, I wouldn't also want to change my tests so that they detect yeti and know not to start running. The ideal situation would be that yeti injects itself to the html and then would capture the mocha.run calls done by the test runner so that it knows that the tests are ready to be run. Then and only then it should run the actual tests.

The bottom line is, I don't want to publish half assed software on npm and I haven't yet had the time to fix Yeti's implementation of mocha test support.

// Tarmo