Hoverbear / old-raft-rs

[Incomplete] A Raft implementation in Rust
MIT License
266 stars 41 forks source link

State of this project #124

Open lorenz opened 8 years ago

lorenz commented 8 years ago

I want to use Rust and therefore raft-rs as a consensus algorithm for some distributed management systems. The readme says that is currently not designed for production use and log compaction is not implemented (which means the log wil grow without bounds if I understood this correctly). Is this library eventually going to be complete?

Hoverbear commented 8 years ago

@lorenz The goal is to make it so yes! There is some work to do to get there and I think all of us have been rather distracted with some other things. If you're interested in contributing we'd love to have you.

There was some work by @danburkert on the Write-Ahead-Log which was the next logical step forward. I wonder if he needs some help!