HowNetWorks / uriteller

A service for monitoring whether chat apps etc. leak URLs
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Support traps serving .jpg, .png etc. #28

Open jviide opened 7 years ago

jviide commented 7 years ago

Support traps serving .jpg, .png etc. as some services and bots only watch for images.

Suggested by

uolevi commented 7 years ago

Perhaps any filename extension. Then it could be used to replace web bug type of Canarytokens (so there would be no need to change already planted tokens but just the server).

jviide commented 7 years ago

Yup. Would it be a good idea to make trap URLs return 404 (Not Found) instead of 200 (OK)? I don't know if it's needed at all, but maybe that way we would avoid unintentionally fuzzing JPG parsers and such :)

uolevi commented 7 years ago

What do you mean by unintentionally fuzzing JPG parsers?

raimue commented 7 years ago

It would be unexpected if an URL with a .jpg extension returns text/html instead of image/jpeg. Although proper JPEG parsers would recognize this quickly as an invalid image, serving a 404 might have better effects for display on the client side of the trap receiver.

jviide commented 7 years ago

@raimue explained it well. I'm actually not too worried about JPEG, but some less battle-hardened parsers for more exotic formats might have problems.

Other status code choices include 401 (Unauthorized) and 403 (Forbidden).

Returning 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons) would be funny though ;)

jviide commented 7 years ago

Commit e842d4b is now deployed to the live site. It modifies trap URLs to return status code 404. Moreover we now support trap URL suffixes, which allows appending stuff to the trap URL path as long as the additional part starts with . or /. So if you have a trap URL you can also use or

The suffixes are stored for potential future use. For example stores the suffix .png. Query string gets counted as a part of the suffix, so stores /xyzzy?hello=world.

Feel free to try it out! There is currently no particular support for this functionality in the UI side, but it's probably still useful.