HowardHinnant / date

A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
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When I compile on x64 uwp I get the error #798

Open jimwang118 opened 9 months ago

jimwang118 commented 9 months ago

F:\vcpkg\buildtrees\date\src\v3.0.1-4ba9ebd0db\src\tz.cpp(3124): error C2065: 'FOLDERID_ProgramFiles': undeclared identifier F:\vcpkg\buildtrees\date\src\v3.0.1-4ba9ebd0db\src\tz.cpp(3124): error C3861: 'get_known_folder': identifier not found

HowardHinnant commented 9 months ago

Don't trust the make files. Installation instructions: