HowardHinnant / date

A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
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OSSFuzz Integration PR #811

Open capuanob opened 4 months ago

capuanob commented 4 months ago

Good evening!

This PR introduces three major changes:

  1. The addition of a CMake option ENABLE_FUZZ_TESTING and the integration of OSSFuzz harnesses into the build system
  2. Various initial fuzzing harnesses (along with a corpus), with extensibility for future targets
  3. A build script that will be called by the Dockerfile to prepare the targets for fuzzing

Once this is merged, I will be able to make a PR to OSSFuzz to host the Dockerfile that will build these harnesses nightly.

Thank you for your time and your review!

HowardHinnant commented 4 months ago

I'm so sorry. My understanding was that this effort would not require changes to this repo, which I don't have the time or expertise to support.

I very much appreciate the work you've done to create this PR. I would prefer you apply it to your fork of this repo.

capuanob commented 4 months ago


Good evening,

I have no issue supporting this PR in whatever way is needed. However, this is a very hands-off thing once it is implemented. Should you want to review any crashes that ClusterFuzz uncovers, that will always be available so long as this repo is part of the OSSFuzz program.

Since my fork doesn't have a user-base and isn't guaranteed to be up-to-date with this repo, OSSFuzz wouldn't be interested in supporting my fork as a fuzzed project.

If there's anything I can do to make this process as easy as possible, please let me know! If this requires any attention, I am listed as the POC anyways.

I would greatly appreciate if you could reconsider, as I spent a good amount of time in integrating this project based on our initial conversation.

capuanob commented 4 months ago

@HowardHinnant Good morning, reaching back out to see if this has been given a second thought. I appreciate your time and consideration!

HowardHinnant commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the time that you put into this. At this time I am only accepting bug fixes to the C++ header and source files. My apologies for not making that clear before you began this work.