HowardHinnant / date

A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
3.07k stars 669 forks source link

Could a new official version be released? #828

Open TheStormN opened 1 month ago

TheStormN commented 1 month ago

The last release is from 2021 - version 3.0.1.

Could we have another release please? We are using package management system and using a git hash id from the master branch is possible, but it will be much easier to track versions if we have another public release.

P.S. Be sure to also update CMakeLists.txt with the latest version tag if a new release is issued.

tinloaf commented 1 week ago

I especially think that the fix for #826 merits a new release. People who build with the latest compilers are currently unable to use a released version of this library.

DDoS commented 1 week ago

Yes please release a new version! If the library has been changed to "live at head" versioning, please let us know so I can update vcpkg to the new scheme.

HowardHinnant commented 1 week ago

I highly recommend "live at head". "head" is always kept in a shippable state.

That being said, I will try to get one last release out in the next week.