Open fatbringer opened 2 years ago
Hello i have re-tried after my system crashed thinking it was a hardware problem
I encountered this, similar problem after fixing the hardware issues and driver isssues.
python3 --cam 0 --display
Namespace(agnostic_nms=False, augment=False, cam=0, classes=[0], conf_thres=0.5, config_deepsort='./configs/deep_sort.yaml', device='', display=True, display_height=600, display_width=800, fourcc='mp4v', frame_interval=2, img_size=640, input_path='input_480.mp4', iou_thres=0.5, save_path='output/', save_txt='output/predict/', weights='yolov5/weights/')
Initialize DeepSORT & YOLO-V5
Using CPU
Using webcam 0
Camera ...
Done. Create output file output/results.mp4
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
System specs: (minor changes) DJI Manifold 2G (Nvidia Jetson TX2) ARMv8 Processor rev 3 (v8l) × 4 ARMv8 Processor rev 0 (v8l) × 2 NVIDIA Tegra X2 (nvgpu)/integrated 8GB ram, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Hi there. I have tried running the programme on 2 seperate instances and have encountered these errors. I have made sure to have connected the webcam (the only webcam too), so that it takes --cam 0 correctly.
Here are the terminal outputs
And in another instance, I have a different error citing camera error
The camera error occured right after the illegal instruction (core dumped) episode. When the programme was first run, the windows for the display could be open, but there is no video feed, and it just stops responding in Ubuntu (window goes greyscale)
Error title is :
If required, my device's techncial specs DJI Manifold 2G (Nvidia Jetson TX2) ARMv8 Processor rev 3 (v8l) × 4 ARMv8 Processor rev 0 (v8l) × 2 NVIDIA Tegra X2 (nvgpu)/integrated 8GB ram, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS