HryChg / VanGo

VanGo is an itinerary planner for locals and tourists who want to discover events and attractions in Vancouver. Users can find information on events and attractions, organize their plans, and save or share them to better explore the city.
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Scrum report #1 #1

Open mdatan opened 5 years ago

mdatan commented 5 years ago

Describe (for the project): (1) what you’ve worked on in the previous two weeks, (2) what you’ll be working on in the next two weeks, and (3) where you might have gotten stuck during the last two weeks.

shirleywbi commented 5 years ago

(1) In the previous two weeks, I generated project ideas and names and assisted with the prototypes. I also looked up a few resources for some of the requirements.

(2) In the next two weeks, I will be working on the UI as per Prototype #2. In particular, I will be implementing the webpages for login and the itinerary, then helping Harry with the two event pages once I am done.

(3) We had trouble deciding on an idea so we did a quick prototype of our shortlisted ideas to help decide. I was unsure how Webpack would work with our project but we will be switching over to Meteor after today's workshop.

mdatan commented 5 years ago
HryChg commented 5 years ago

For the project, I mostly worked on trying to figure out if our project is viable or practical to implement within the timeframe. I have also help created the prototype UI rendering and made sure the workflow between each page can transition smoothly.

In the past two weeks, I have struggled to figure out what is the best environment set-up for the app as well as how to design a web scrapper that can handle different data form on the event websites.

What I will be doing in the next two weeks will be designing 50% of the UI using react and possibly redux and figure out how to overlay certain components on top of each other.