HryChg / VanGo

VanGo is an itinerary planner for locals and tourists who want to discover events and attractions in Vancouver. Users can find information on events and attractions, organize their plans, and save or share them to better explore the city.
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Scrum report #3 #4

Open mdatan opened 5 years ago

mdatan commented 5 years ago

Describe (for the project): (1) what you’ve worked on in the previous two weeks, (2) what you’ll be working on in the next two weeks, and (3) where you might have gotten stuck during the last two weeks.

HryChg commented 5 years ago

In the past two weeks. I did 70% of the reducers related to HomePage, EventDrawer, and EditPage. I designed it so that event saved by users are centered at one reducer where multiple pages would have access to. For the next two weeks, I plan on reworking the log of the Event Filter in the homepage as well as moving most default states in our reducer up to the server for persistent storage. The biggest obstacle for me was transferring external google maps react component to a redux store because I was unsure whether certain methods are from the third party creating the component or from google maps itself.

shirleywbi commented 5 years ago

(1) For the previous two weeks, I updated the ItineraryPage to take in data from the Mongo server and added markers and info windows to its map. I have spent a lot of time trying to get the login page to work - it currently displays but has some conditional issues. I also debugged the currentDrawerReducer because it was creating duplicate divs every time we left the page and went back. (2) For the next two weeks, I will be working on the login page and the different screens people will see when logging in. (3) I got stuck on the login page over the last two weeks because of the built-in templates and trying to figure out how to call the methods. I also had trouble trying to get the server working because we removed autopublish and didn't publish the mongo data to the client. Furthermore, I had a bug with my ItineraryPage when trying to set up the reducers because a reducer store called "date" was created and I had used a

mdatan commented 5 years ago