HryChg / VanGo

VanGo is an itinerary planner for locals and tourists who want to discover events and attractions in Vancouver. Users can find information on events and attractions, organize their plans, and save or share them to better explore the city.
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Scrum Report #5 #6

Open HryChg opened 4 years ago

HryChg commented 4 years ago

Describe (for the project): (1) what you’ve worked on in the previous two weeks, (2) what you’ll be working on in the next two weeks, and (3) where you might have gotten stuck during the last two weeks.

shirleywbi commented 4 years ago

(1) In the last two weeks, I updated the UI to make it more responsive and mobile-friendly. I also added edit and delete functionality for the Itinerary Page. (2) During the next two weeks, we will be fixing any major bugs and deploying the app. (3) I currently still have bugs in the Itinerary Page due to data not loading. I also had to update how itinerary data is stored as it was changed in the Edit Page.

HryChg commented 4 years ago

I have worked on implementing the email module for sharing the itinerary, restructuring the drawer component to display content specific to the user, and the searchBar. What I will be working on in the next two weeks will be fixing more bugs and tweaking the UI wording and display arrangement. In the last two weeks, my biggest struggle was finding out that withTracker does not send all document of a collection at once. Instead, it does it in chunk. That led to my searchBar not having the most update to date result when saving data from withTracker to the redux store in the searchBar

mdatan commented 4 years ago