Hu-Fi / Mr.Market

Mr. Market is the exchange oracle of HuFi, and a CeFi crypto bot on Mixin Messenger
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Add order details and history page #110

Closed zed-wong closed 3 months ago

zed-wong commented 3 months ago

User description

Add order details and history page Add connect wallet in history page Add get order info handler


enhancement, bug_fix


Changes walkthrough

Relevant files
10 files
Add Functions to Fetch Orders in Hufi Helper                         

  • Added getOrdersByUser and getOrderById functions for fetching orders
    by user ID and order ID respectively.
  • +24/-0   
    Integrate Order Fetching in Mixin Helper                                 

  • Imported getOrdersByUser from hufi/spot.
  • Added getUserOrders function to fetch and set user orders.
  • Called getUserOrders in AfterMixinOauth to fetch orders after OAuth.
  • +23/-4   
    Add Stores for User Orders Management                                       

  • Added userOrders and userOrdersLoaded stores for managing user orders.

  • +4/-1     
    Define Type for Spot Orders                                                           

    interface/src/lib/types/hufi/spot.ts - Defined `SpotOrder` type for representing spot orders.
    Implement Order Details Fetching for History Page               

    interface/src/routes/(secondary)/(spot)/spot/history/[id]/+page.ts - Added server-side logic to validate and fetch order details by ID.
    Add Endpoints for Orders Fetching in Exchange Module         

    server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange-client.controller.ts - Added endpoints for fetching orders by user and order ID.
    Implement History Page UI for Displaying Orders                   

  • Implemented UI component to display user orders with connect wallet
  • +71/-0   
    Update Open Orders Display with Fetched Orders                     

    interface/src/lib/components/spot/manage/openOrders.svelte - Updated open orders display to integrate with fetched orders.
    Modify Single Order Component for Fetched Data                     

    interface/src/lib/components/spot/manage/singleOrder.svelte - Modified single order component to use fetched order data.
    Create Order Detail Component for History Page                     

  • Created order detail component for displaying detailed order
  • +70/-4   

    PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    vercel[bot] commented 3 months ago

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    Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
    mr-market ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback Apr 3, 2024 6:41am
    railway-app[bot] commented 3 months ago

    This PR is being deployed to Railway 🚅

    Mr.Market: ◻️ REMOVED

    github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

    PR Review

    (Review updated until commit

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4, due to the extensive changes across multiple files, including backend and frontend logic, integration of new functionalities, and modifications to existing structures. The PR introduces new features related to order handling and display, which requires careful review of both logic and UI changes.
    🧪 Relevant tests No
    🔍 Possible issues Possible Bug: The `getUserOrders` function in `interface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts` does not handle the case where `orders` is undefined or null after fetching. This could lead to runtime errors.
    Performance Concern: The `setInterval` used in `interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/orderDetail.svelte` for fetching order details might not be cleared if the component is destroyed before finding the order or reaching the timeout. This could lead to memory leaks or unexpected behavior.
    Code Duplication: Similar error handling logic is repeated in multiple places within `interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/spot.ts`. Consider abstracting this into a separate function to improve code maintainability.
    Inconsistent Error Handling: The error handling in `interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/spot.ts` logs errors to the console but does not provide a way to notify the user or handle errors gracefully in the UI.
    🔒 Security concerns No
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts
    suggestion       Consider adding a check for `orders` being undefined or null in the `getUserOrders` function to prevent potential runtime errors. [important]
    relevant lineconst orders = await getOrdersByUser(user_id);

    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/components/spot/history/orderDetail.svelte
    suggestion       Ensure to clear the `setInterval` when the component is destroyed or when the order is found or timeout is reached to prevent potential memory leaks. [important]
    relevant linevar interval = setInterval(() => {

    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/spot.ts
    suggestion       Abstract the repeated error handling logic into a separate function to reduce code duplication and improve maintainability. [medium]
    relevant line} catch (error) {

    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/spot.ts
    suggestion       Implement a user-friendly error handling strategy that could involve retry mechanisms, user notifications, or alternative actions in case of failure. [medium]
    relevant lineconsole.error('Error fetching orders by user:', error);

    ✨ Review tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review which includes several types of feedbacks, such as possible PR issues, security threats and relevant test in the PR. More feedbacks can be [added]( by configuring the tool. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the review [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Add response status check before parsing JSON data. ___ **Consider checking the response status code to ensure the fetch operation was successful
    before attempting to parse the JSON data. This can help in handling HTTP errors more
    gracefully.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/spot.ts [5-6]]( ```diff const response = await fetch(`${HUFI_BACKEND_URL}/exchange/orders/${userId}`); +if (!response.ok) { + throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); +} const data = await response.json(); ```
    Optimize symbol splitting by doing it once and reusing the result. ___ **Since event.symbol.split('/') is used twice to get baseSymbol and targetSymbol, consider
    splitting it once and reusing the result to improve code efficiency.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/exchange.listener.ts [26-27]]( ```diff -let baseSymbol = event.symbol.split('/')[0]; -let targetSymbol = event.symbol.split('/')[1]; +const [baseSymbol, targetSymbol] = event.symbol.split('/'); ```
    Prevent multiple authentication requests by disabling the button during the authentication process. ___ **Consider disabling the button during the authentication process to prevent multiple clicks
    and potential issues with multiple authentication requests.** [interface/src/lib/components/common/connectWalletBtn.svelte [33-38]]( ```diff
    Use gradient background for button for UI consistency. ___ **Consider using Tailwind CSS's utility classes for gradients instead of a solid background
    color for the button to enhance the UI consistency with the rest of the application.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/manageOrder/cancelOrder.svelte [37]]( ```diff -
    Use page data for dynamic order details. ___ **Instead of hardcoding the order details, use the $ directly to make the
    component dynamic and capable of displaying different order details based on the page
    data.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/orderDetail.svelte [7-26]]( ```diff -$: o = { - orderId: "a22170a7-ec32-4718-80f7-c304959c3e42", - ... -}; +$: o = $; ```
    Add title attribute to exchange icon for better UX. ___ **To enhance user experience, consider adding a title attribute to the tag that displays
    the exchange name. This provides users with additional context when they hover over the
    icon.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [34]]( ```diff -icon +icon ```
    Best practice
    Handle potential rejections from getUserOrders. ___ **Since getUserOrders is an asynchronous function, consider handling possible rejections or
    failures to ensure the application remains robust.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts [213]]( ```diff -getUserOrders(data.user_id) +getUserOrders(data.user_id).catch(error => console.error('Failed to get user orders:', error)); ```
    Ensure type consistency for usdValue. ___ **Ensure consistency in the type of usdValue. If it's intended to store numbers, consider
    initializing it with a numeric value or null instead of an empty string for clarity.** [interface/src/lib/stores/spot.ts [37]]( ```diff -export const usdValue: Writable = writable() +export const usdValue: Writable = writable(null) ```
    Ensure loading state is cleared in a finally block. ___ **To avoid potential memory leaks or unexpected behavior, ensure to clear the loading state
    in a finally block within the try-catch structure, ensuring it executes regardless of the
    promise's outcome.** [interface/src/lib/components/home/oauth/connectMixin.svelte [19-24]]( ```diff -mixinConnectLoading.set(false); +try { + await AfterMixinOauth(token); +} catch (error) { + console.error(error); +} finally { + mixinConnectLoading.set(false); +} ```
    Use strict equality checks to avoid type coercion bugs. ___ **Use strict equality checks (=== and !==) instead of loose equality checks (== and !=) to
    avoid potential type coercion bugs.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/manage/openOrders.svelte [27]]( ```diff -{#if os.length != 0} +{#if os.length !== 0} ```
    Handle default case in switch statement for robustness. ___ **It's a good practice to handle the case where $orderFilterMode does not match any of the
    cases in the switch statement, perhaps by returning all items or a subset based on a
    default condition.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/manage/openOrders.svelte [14-19]]( ```diff switch ($orderFilterMode) { case 0: return item.type.toUpperCase().includes("LIMIT"); case 1: return item.type.toUpperCase().includes("MARKET"); + default: + // Handle default case, e.g., return all items or a specific subset + return true; // Example: return all items by default } ```
    Remove or use the unused lang parameter. ___ **The lang parameter is received but not used within formatWalletBalanceFull. Consider using
    it or removing it if unnecessary to avoid confusion.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/utils.ts [90]]( ```diff -lang; +// lang parameter is currently not used. ```
    Use a constant for excluded exchanges to improve maintainability. ___ **To improve maintainability, consider using a constant for 'BITFINEX' instead of hardcoding
    it multiple times. This approach makes future changes easier and reduces the risk of
    typos.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/candle/candlePairSelector.svelte [17-35]]( ```diff -{ name: 'all' }, ...SUPPORTED_EXCHANGES.filter((e)=>{return e!='bitfinex'}).map(exchange => ({ name: exchange })) +const EXCLUDED_EXCHANGE = 'BITFINEX'; +{ name: 'all' }, ...SUPPORTED_EXCHANGES.filter((e)=>{return e.toUpperCase() != EXCLUDED_EXCHANGE}).map(exchange => ({ name: exchange })) ... -return != 'BITFINEX' +return != EXCLUDED_EXCHANGE ```
    Destructure $userOrders for readability. ___ **To improve code readability and maintainability, consider destructuring the $userOrders
    directly in the each block instead of using an underscore (_), which is conventionally
    used to ignore values in JavaScript.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/historys.svelte [12]]( ```diff -{#each $userOrders as _} +{#each $userOrders as order} ```
    Use more descriptive variable names. ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name instead of os for the filtered orders.
    Descriptive names improve code readability and maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/manage/openOrders.svelte [11-20]]( ```diff -$: os = $userOrders.filter((item)=>{ +$: filteredOrders = $userOrders.filter((item)=>{ return item.state.includes('EXCHANGE_ORDER_PARTIAL_FILLED') || item.state.includes('ORDER_CREATED') }).filter((item) => { switch ($orderFilterMode) { case 0: return item.type.toUpperCase().includes("LIMIT"); case 1: return item.type.toUpperCase().includes("MARKET"); } }); ```
    Await the result of getOrderById in the load function. ___ **The load function is asynchronous, but getOrderById is not awaited, which might lead to
    unexpected behavior. Ensure to await asynchronous calls.** [interface/src/routes/(secondary)/(spot)/spot/history/[id]/+page.ts [16]]( ```diff -order: getOrderById(order_id) +order: await getOrderById(order_id) ```
    Optimize data fetching by selecting only necessary fields from the database. ___ **Instead of loading all orders with find and then iterating over them to delete the
    apiKeyId field, consider using a query to select only the necessary fields. This approach
    reduces the amount of data transferred and processed.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.repository.ts [56-60]]( ```diff -let orders = await this.spotOrderRepository.find({ where: { userId } }); -orders = => { - delete order.apiKeyId; - return order; +const orders = await this.spotOrderRepository.find({ + where: { userId }, + select: ['id', 'userId', 'exchangeName', 'symbol', 'type', 'state', 'amount', 'price'] // Add other necessary fields but exclude 'apiKeyId' }); ```
    Improve asynchronous operations performance with Promise.all. ___ **Use Promise.all to execute asynchronous operations in parallel inside the forEach loop for
    better performance.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.service.ts [579-583]]( ```diff -orders.forEach(async (o) => { +await Promise.all( (o) => { const instance = this.exchangeInstances[o.exchangeName]; if (!instance.has['fetchOrder']) { return await this.updateSpotOrderState( o.orderId, ... ); } -}); +})); ```
    Combine filter conditions for better performance and readability. ___ **Instead of using multiple filter methods, you can combine the conditions into a single
    filter to improve performance and readability.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/manage/openOrders.svelte [11-20]]( ```diff -$: os = $userOrders.filter((item)=>{ - return item.state.includes('EXCHANGE_ORDER_PARTIAL_FILLED') || item.state.includes('ORDER_CREATED') -}).filter((item) => { +$: filteredOrders = $userOrders.filter((item) => { + const isOrderStateValid = item.state.includes('EXCHANGE_ORDER_PARTIAL_FILLED') || item.state.includes('ORDER_CREATED'); + let isOrderTypeValid = false; switch ($orderFilterMode) { case 0: - return item.type.toUpperCase().includes("LIMIT"); + isOrderTypeValid = item.type.toUpperCase().includes("LIMIT"); + break; case 1: - return item.type.toUpperCase().includes("MARKET"); + isOrderTypeValid = item.type.toUpperCase().includes("MARKET"); + break; } + return isOrderStateValid && isOrderTypeValid; }); ```
    Improve accessibility by using a button element for interactive components. ___ **For better accessibility and semantics, consider using a ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    zed-wong commented 3 months ago


    github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Best practice
    Add explicit return types to asynchronous functions. ___ **It's a good practice to explicitly define the return type of asynchronous functions for
    better code readability and maintainability. For the functions getOrdersByUser and
    getOrderById, you can define interfaces or types that represent the structure of the data
    they return.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/spot.ts [3-23]]( ```diff -export const getOrdersByUser = async (userId: string) => { +export const getOrdersByUser = async (userId: string): Promise => { ... -export const getOrderById = async (orderId: string) => { +export const getOrderById = async (orderId: string): Promise => { ```
    Handle exceptions when using localStorage. ___ **When setting items in localStorage, it's a good practice to handle potential exceptions
    that might be thrown for various reasons, such as the user's browser being in private mode
    or the storage being full. Wrap localStorage.setItem calls in a try-catch block to handle
    these exceptions gracefully.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts [217]]( ```diff -localStorage.setItem("mixin-oauth", token) +try { + localStorage.setItem("mixin-oauth", token) +} catch (error) { + console.error("Error saving to localStorage", error); +} ```
    Use a DTO to transfer data instead of modifying the entity directly. ___ **Directly modifying the entity retrieved from the database can lead to unintended side
    effects. Instead of deleting properties from the entity, consider using a DTO (Data
    Transfer Object) to safely transfer only the necessary data.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.repository.ts [57-60]]( ```diff orders = => { - delete order.apiKeyId; - return order; + const { apiKeyId, ...safeOrder } = order; + return safeOrder; }); ```
    Use a method to parse and validate memo content for better code quality. ___ **Instead of slicing the decoded memo directly to get the trading type, consider using a
    more explicit and error-proof method to parse and validate the memo content. This can
    improve code readability and maintainability.** [server/src/modules/mixin/snapshots/snapshots.service.ts [470-471]]( ```diff const decodedMemo = Buffer.from(snapshot.memo, 'base64').toString('utf-8'); -const tradingType = decodedMemo.slice(0, 2); +const tradingType = this.parseTradingType(decodedMemo); ```
    Use Svelte's onDestroy lifecycle hook to clear intervals and prevent memory leaks. ___ **Consider using Svelte's built-in store mechanism for managing intervals and timeouts to
    ensure they are properly cleared when the component is destroyed. This prevents potential
    memory leaks or unexpected behavior.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/orderConfirm.svelte [76-88]]( ```diff -var interval = setInterval(() => { - console.log(`${new Date()} called`); - // TODO: TEST IT; - found = getOrderById(trace); - totalTime += FETCH_INTERVAL; +import { onDestroy } from 'svelte'; +let interval; - if (found) { +function startInterval() { + interval = setInterval(() => { + console.log(`${new Date()} called`); + // TODO: TEST IT; + found = getOrderById(trace); + totalTime += FETCH_INTERVAL; + + if (found) { + clearInterval(interval); + goto(`/spot/history/${trace}`); + } else if (totalTime >= TIMEOUT_DURATION) { + clearInterval(interval); + console.log('Timeout reached, stopping execution.'); + } + }, FETCH_INTERVAL); +} + +onDestroy(() => { + if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); - goto(`/spot/history/${trace}`); - } else if (totalTime >= TIMEOUT_DURATION) { - clearInterval(interval); - console.log('Timeout reached, stopping execution.'); } -}, FETCH_INTERVAL); +}); +startInterval(); + ```
    Remove or utilize the unused variable. ___ **The variable lang is declared but its value is never used. Consider removing it if it's
    not needed, or use it if it was intended for localization or formatting purposes.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/utils.ts [90]]( ```diff -lang; +// If lang was intended for use, implement its functionality. Otherwise, remove this line. ```
    Refactor symbol splitting and checking for a cleaner approach. ___ **Instead of manually splitting the symbol and then checking if it includes 'USDT', you can
    use a more robust approach to handle different cases and make the code cleaner.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/exchange.listener.ts [26-29]]( ```diff -let [baseSymbol, targetSymbol] = event.symbol.split('/'); -if (baseSymbol.includes('USDT')) { - baseSymbol = 'USDT'; -} +const [baseSymbol, targetSymbol] = event.symbol.split('/').map(sym => sym === 'USDT' ? 'USDT' : sym); ```
    Define event handler functions outside the template for better code organization. ___ **Instead of using an inline async function in the on:click event, define the function
    outside the template to improve readability and maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/common/connectWalletBtn.svelte [33-38]]( ```diff + +
    Use a mapping object for cleaner handling of state messages. ___ **Use a switch statement or a mapping object for cleaner and more efficient handling of
    multiple conditions.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/orderDetail.svelte [20-32]]( ```diff -{#if state == 'ORDER_CREATED'} - {$_('order_created')} -{:else if state == 'EXCHANGE_ORDER_PLACED'} - {$_('order_placed')} -{:else if state == 'EXCHANGE_ORDER_PARTIAL_FILLED'} - {$_('order_partially_filled')} -{:else if state == 'EXCHANGE_ORDER_FILLED'} - {$_('order_filled')} -{:else if state == 'ORDER_SUCCESS'} - {$_('order_success')} -{/if} + + + {stateMessages[state] || 'Unknown State'} + + ```
    Use more descriptive variable names to improve code readability. ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name than o for the exported object to improve
    code readability. A name like orderDetails would make the code more understandable to
    someone else reading it for the first time.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [9-24]]( ```diff -export let o = { +export let orderDetails = { ```
    Extract conditional class logic into a separate function for better maintainability. ___ **To improve the maintainability and readability of the conditionals, consider extracting
    the logic that determines the class names based on the buy variable into a separate
    function. This will make the template cleaner and the logic easier to update in the
    future.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [52]]( ```diff -
    + +
    Possible issue
    Ensure usdValue is correctly handled as a number. ___ **The type of usdValue was changed from Writable to Writable.
    Ensure that all usages of usdValue correctly handle it as a number instead of a string to
    avoid runtime errors.** [interface/src/lib/stores/spot.ts [37]]( ```diff -export const usdValue: Writable = writable() +// Ensure usdValue is treated as a number in all usages. +// Example: usdValue.set(parseFloat(newValue)) ```
    Specify column options for new database fields. ___ **For the new columns added (exchangeName, amount, limitPrice), consider adding more
    specific column options such as type and nullable. This can help with database
    optimizations and ensure data integrity.** [server/src/common/entities/spot-order.entity.ts [18-42]]( ```diff +@Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false }) exchangeName: string; // Name of exchange ... +@Column({ type: 'decimal', precision: 15, scale: 2, nullable: false }) amount: string; // The amount of pay asset received ... +@Column({ type: 'decimal', precision: 15, scale: 2, nullable: true }) limitPrice?: string; // Limit price for limit order ```
    Improve error handling by returning a suitable HTTP response on exceptions. ___ **It's recommended to handle the exception more gracefully by returning an appropriate HTTP
    response. In the current implementation, if an error occurs, the function will return
    undefined which might not be the expected behavior for the client. Consider returning a
    Response object with a suitable HTTP status code and error message.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange-client.controller.ts [21-25]]( ```diff try { return this.exchagneService.readOrdersByUser(userId); } catch (e) { this.logger.error(`Get orders by user error: ${e.message}`); + throw new HttpException('Internal server error', HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } ```
    Disable the button during loading to prevent multiple requests. ___ **To improve the user experience, consider disabling the button while the connection is
    loading, preventing multiple requests.** [interface/src/lib/components/home/oauth/connectMixin.svelte [32-34]]( ```diff
    Add aria-label to buttons for better accessibility. ___ **For better accessibility, consider adding an aria-label attribute to the button that
    describes the action it performs. This helps users who rely on screen readers to
    understand the purpose of the button.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [30]]( ```diff -
    Filter orders before mapping to avoid unnecessary promise creation. ___ **Instead of using Promise.all with a map that returns undefined for some conditions,
    consider filtering out the orders that do not meet the condition before mapping. This
    approach can avoid unnecessary promise creation and make the code cleaner.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.service.ts [579-587]]( ```diff +const ordersWithFetchOrder = orders.filter(o => this.exchangeInstances[o.exchangeName].has['fetchOrder']); await Promise.all( - (o) => { + (o) => { const instance = this.exchangeInstances[o.exchangeName]; - if (!instance.has['fetchOrder']) { - return await this.updateSpotOrderState( - o.orderId, - STATE_TEXT_MAP['EXCHANGE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_FETCH_ORDER'], - ); - } + const order = await instance.fetchOrder(o.orderId); ```
    Simplify filtering logic for better performance and readability. ___ **Simplify the filtering logic by using a direct comparison instead of a function for better
    performance and readability.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/candle/candlePairSelector.svelte [17-18]]( ```diff let items = [ - { name: 'all' }, ...SUPPORTED_EXCHANGES.filter((e)=>{return e!='bitfinex'}).map(exchange => ({ name: exchange })) + { name: 'all' }, ...SUPPORTED_EXCHANGES.filter(e => e !== 'bitfinex').map(exchange => ({ name: exchange })) ]; ```
    Use a smaller library or native methods for date formatting to reduce bundle size. ___ **Since the moment library can be relatively large and you're only using it for formatting
    dates, consider using a smaller library like date-fns or native JavaScript Date methods
    for formatting dates. This can help reduce the bundle size and improve the load time of
    your application.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [58]]( ```diff - {moment(o.createdAt).format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')} + {new Date(o.createdAt).toLocaleString()} ```
    Add validation or sanitization for dynamic values used in navigation to prevent security risks. ___ **It's recommended to validate or sanitize the dynamic values used in the goto function to
    prevent potential security risks such as open redirects. Ensure that the orderId parameter
    passed to the redirect function is validated against a known list of valid order IDs or
    sanitized to remove any special characters that could be used in a malicious way.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [26]]( ```diff -const redirect = (orderId: string) => { goto(`/spot/history/${orderId}`); } +const redirect = (orderId: string) => { + // Example validation/sanitization logic + if (isValidOrderId(orderId)) { + goto(`/spot/history/${orderId}`); + } else { + console.error("Invalid order ID"); + } +} ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

    Persistent review updated to latest commit

    github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Add error handling for JSON parsing of server responses. ___ **It's recommended to handle the case where the response from the server is not in the
    expected JSON format. This can be done by wrapping the response.json() call in a try-catch
    block to catch any potential errors that may arise from parsing the response. This ensures
    that the application can gracefully handle unexpected server responses and provide a
    better error message or fallback behavior.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/spot.ts [9-10]]( ```diff -const data = await response.json(); +let data; +try { + data = await response.json(); +} catch (error) { + console.error('Error parsing JSON from response:', error); + throw new Error('Failed to parse JSON from response'); +} return data; ```
    Add error handling to return a response on exceptions. ___ **It's important to handle exceptions gracefully and ensure that the API always returns a
    response to the client, even in case of errors. In the current implementation, if an
    exception is caught, the method ends without returning a response, which can lead to
    client timeouts or undefined behavior. Consider returning a proper error response with a
    status code and message.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange-client.controller.ts [21-25]]( ```diff try { return this.exchagneService.readOrdersByUser(userId); } catch (e) { this.logger.error(`Get orders by user error: ${e.message}`); + throw new HttpException('Internal server error', HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } ```
    Improve symbol parsing for robustness. ___ **The current implementation splits the symbol string to extract base and target symbols but
    does not account for symbols that might not follow the 'BASE/TARGET' format strictly.
    Using a more robust method to parse symbols can prevent potential errors.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/exchange.listener.ts [26-29]]( ```diff -let [baseSymbol, targetSymbol] = event.symbol.split('/'); +const symbols = event.symbol.split('/'); +let baseSymbol = symbols[0]; +let targetSymbol = symbols[1] || ''; // Fallback in case the symbol does not contain '/' if (baseSymbol.includes('USDT')) { baseSymbol = 'USDT'; } ```
    Use recursive setTimeout instead of setInterval for fetching order status with a timeout. ___ **Instead of using setInterval and manually tracking the total time to implement a timeout
    for fetching the order status, consider using setTimeout recursively. This approach
    simplifies the logic and makes it easier to manage the timeout condition. Additionally,
    ensure that getOrderById is awaited since it's likely an asynchronous operation.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/orderConfirm.svelte [76-88]]( ```diff -var interval = setInterval(() => { +const checkOrderStatus = async () => { console.log(`${new Date()} called`); - // TODO: TEST IT; - found = getOrderById(trace); - totalTime += FETCH_INTERVAL; + found = await getOrderById(trace); if (found) { - clearInterval(interval); goto(`/spot/history/${trace}`); - } else if (totalTime >= TIMEOUT_DURATION) { - clearInterval(interval); + } else if (totalTime < TIMEOUT_DURATION) { + totalTime += FETCH_INTERVAL; + setTimeout(checkOrderStatus, FETCH_INTERVAL); + } else { console.log('Timeout reached, stopping execution.'); } -}, FETCH_INTERVAL); +}; +checkOrderStatus(); ```
    Add an aria-label to the connect wallet button for better accessibility. ___ **To improve the user experience and accessibility, consider adding an aria-label attribute
    to the button element. This label should clearly describe the action that the button
    performs, such as "Connect to Wallet".** [interface/src/lib/components/common/connectWalletBtn.svelte [33-39]]( ```diff
    Move duplicated loading state reset to a finally block for clarity. ___ **The mixinConnectLoading.set(false); is duplicated in both the onError and onSuccess
    callbacks. Consider moving this statement to a finally block within the auth function to
    ensure it is executed regardless of the outcome, reducing duplication and improving code
    clarity.** [interface/src/lib/components/home/oauth/connectMixin.svelte [17-26]]( ```diff onError: (error: Error) => { console.error(error); - mixinConnectLoading.set(false); return; }, onSuccess: async (token: string) => { await AfterMixinOauth(token) - mixinConnectLoading.set(false); return; }, +finally: () => { + mixinConnectLoading.set(false); +}, ```
    Add aria-label for better accessibility. ___ **To improve the user experience, consider adding an aria-label attribute to the button for
    better accessibility, describing the action it performs.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [30]]( ```diff -
    Best practice
    Use JSON.stringify when storing the token in localStorage. ___ **To ensure that the localStorage.setItem("mixin-oauth", token) call is consistent with the
    rest of the codebase, consider using JSON.stringify(token) when storing the token. This
    ensures that the token is stored in a consistent format, making it easier to parse when
    retrieved from localStorage.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts [217]]( ```diff -localStorage.setItem("mixin-oauth", token) +localStorage.setItem("mixin-oauth", JSON.stringify(token)) ```
    Use DTOs instead of modifying entities directly. ___ **Directly modifying the entity retrieved from the database can lead to unintended side
    effects, especially when using ORM tools that might track entity changes. Instead of
    deleting properties from the entity objects, consider using a DTO (Data Transfer Object)
    to selectively return the necessary information to the client.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.repository.ts [56-61]]( ```diff -let orders = await this.spotOrderRepository.find({ where: { userId } }); -orders = => { - delete order.apiKeyId; - return order; -}); -return orders; +const orders = await this.spotOrderRepository.find({ where: { userId } }); +return{ apiKeyId, ...order }) => order); ```
    Rename script for consistency and clarity. ___ **The script name pr:check uses a colon, which is commonly used in npm scripts for
    namespacing. For consistency and clarity, consider using a dash or an underscore instead
    if this script is not meant to be part of a namespace.** [interface/package.json [16]]( ```diff -"pr:check": "bun run lint:fix && bun run test" +"pr-check": "bun run lint:fix && bun run test" ```
    Use constants instead of magic strings. ___ **For better maintainability and to avoid magic strings, consider defining constants for
    order types like 'Limit Buy' and states like 'ORDER_CREATED'.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [14-15]]( ```diff -type: "Limit Buy", -state: "ORDER_CREATED", +type: ORDER_TYPES.LIMIT_BUY, +state: ORDER_STATES.CREATED, ```
    Use a constant for date formats. ___ **Instead of hardcoding the date format in the moment.js formatting, consider using a
    constant. This makes it easier to change the date format application-wide if needed.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [58]]( ```diff - {moment(o.createdAt).format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')} + {moment(o.createdAt).format(DATE_FORMAT)} ```
    Remove unused variables to improve code readability. ___ **The variable lang is declared but never used in the function formatWalletBalanceFull. To
    adhere to best practices and improve code readability, it's recommended to remove unused
    variables. If the intention was to use this variable for future localization or
    formatting, consider adding a comment or implementing the intended functionality.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/utils.ts [90]]( ```diff -lang; +// Removed unused variable lang ```
    Simplify function names for checking valid trading types, spot order types, and exchange indexes. ___ **The function names isTradingTypeValueValid, isSpotOrderTypeValueValid, and
    isExchangeIndexValueValid could be simplified for better readability and consistency.
    Consider renaming these functions to isValidTradingType, isValidSpotOrderType, and
    isValidExchangeIndex respectively. This naming convention is more direct and aligns with
    common practices for boolean-returning functions.** [server/src/common/helpers/checks/spotChecks.ts [12-24]]( ```diff -export const isTradingTypeValueValid = (tradingType: string): boolean => { ... }; -export const isSpotOrderTypeValueValid = (spotOrderType: string): boolean => { ... }; -export const isExchangeIndexValueValid = (exchangeIndex: string): boolean => { ... }; +export const isValidTradingType = (tradingType: string): boolean => { ... }; +export const isValidSpotOrderType = (spotOrderType: string): boolean => { ... }; +export const isValidExchangeIndex = (exchangeIndex: string): boolean => { ... }; ```
    Refactor duplicated filtering logic into a shared function for maintainability. ___ **The filtering logic to exclude 'bitfinex' from SUPPORTED_EXCHANGES is duplicated in both
    the items initialization and the filteredPairs computation. Consider refactoring this
    logic into a shared function or computed store to avoid duplication and improve
    maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/candle/candlePairSelector.svelte [17-36]]( ```diff +const filterExchanges = (exchanges) => exchanges.filter(e => e.toUpperCase() != 'BITFINEX'); let items = [ - { name: 'all' }, ...SUPPORTED_EXCHANGES.filter((e)=>{return e!='bitfinex'}).map(exchange => ({ name: exchange })) + { name: 'all' }, ...filterExchanges(SUPPORTED_EXCHANGES).map(exchange => ({ name: exchange })) ]; ... -}).filter((item) => { - return != 'BITFINEX' -}) +}).filter((item) => filterExchanges([]).length > 0) ```
    Refactor duplicated loading state reset into a single operation. ___ **Similar to another suggestion, the mixinConnectLoading.set(false); is duplicated in both
    the onError and onSuccess callbacks. Consider refactoring to ensure this operation is only
    written once, improving code maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/bids/inputs.svelte [161-168]]( ```diff onError: (error: Error) => { console.error(error); - mixinConnectLoading.set(false); return; }, onSuccess: async (token: string) => { await AfterMixinOauth(token); +}, +finally: () => { mixinConnectLoading.set(false); }, ```
    Use descriptive variable names. ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name instead of o for the export let statement.
    Descriptive names improve code readability and maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [9-24]]( ```diff -export let o = { +export let orderDetails = { ```
    Encapsulate progress indicator logic into a separate component. ___ **The radial-progress class seems to be used for styling a progress indicator. Consider
    encapsulating this logic into a separate Svelte component for better reusability and
    separation of concerns.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/history/singleSpotHistory.svelte [65]]( ```diff -
    + ```
    Possible issue
    Ensure usdValue is correctly handled as a number in its usages. ___ **The type of usdValue was changed from Writable to Writable.
    Ensure that all usages of usdValue correctly handle it as a number instead of a string to
    avoid runtime errors. This includes parsing it as a number when setting its value and
    formatting it appropriately when displaying it in the UI.** [interface/src/lib/stores/spot.ts [37]]( ```diff -export const usdValue: Writable = writable() +// Ensure to parse and format usdValue as a number in its usages +// Example: usdValue.set(parseFloat(newValue)) ```
    Improve handling of concurrent operations. ___ **Using Promise.all with a map function that performs asynchronous operations can lead to
    performance issues if the array is large, as it will send all requests at once. Consider
    using for...of loop with async/await for better control over concurrency, or use libraries
    like p-limit to limit the number of concurrent operations.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.service.ts [579-630]]( ```diff -await Promise.all( - (o) => { - const instance = this.exchangeInstances[o.exchangeName]; - if (!instance.has['fetchOrder']) { - return await this.updateSpotOrderState( - o.orderId, - STATE_TEXT_MAP['EXCHANGE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_FETCH_ORDER'], - ); - } - ... - }), -); +for (const o of orders) { + const instance = this.exchangeInstances[o.exchangeName]; + if (!instance.has['fetchOrder']) { + await this.updateSpotOrderState( + o.orderId, + STATE_TEXT_MAP['EXCHANGE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_FETCH_ORDER'], + ); + continue; + } + ... +} ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.