Hu-Fi / Mr.Market

Mr. Market is the exchange oracle of HuFi, and a CeFi crypto bot on Mixin Messenger
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Grow backend #139

Closed zed-wong closed 2 months ago

zed-wong commented 2 months ago


enhancement, tests


Changes walkthrough

Relevant files
7 files
Add tests for StrategyUserService                                               

  • Adds tests for StrategyUserService covering methods like
    findAllStrategyByUser, createArbitrage, createMarketMaking, etc.
  • Tests the handling of both active and paused orders.
  • +348/-0 
    Add tests for MarketMakingListener                                             

  • Adds tests for MarketMakingListener to ensure correct handling of
    market making related events.
  • +121/-0 
    Add tests for ArbitrageListener                                                   

  • Adds tests for ArbitrageListener to ensure correct handling of
    arbitrage related events.
  • +115/-0 
    Add tests for decoding arbitrage and market making memos 

    server/src/common/helpers/mixin/memo.spec.ts - Adds tests for decoding arbitrage and market making memos.
    Add tests for memo generation functions                                   

  • Adds tests for memo generation functions GenerateSpotMemo,
    GenerateArbitrageMemo, and GenerateMarketMakingMemo.
  • +58/-0   
    Add mock for StrategyUserService in StrategyController tests

  • Adds a mock for StrategyUserService in the StrategyController test
  • +6/-0     
    Update strategy key format in StrategyService tests           

  • Updates strategy key in tests to match the new format used in
  • +2/-2     
    23 files
    Implement StrategyUserService for managing strategy orders

  • Implements StrategyUserService with methods to manage strategy orders
    (arbitrage and market making).
  • Includes methods for creating, finding, and updating orders and
    payment states.
  • +255/-0 
    Add payment functions for arbitrage and market making       

  • Adds functions ArbitragePay and MarketMakingPay for handling payments
    in arbitrage and market making strategies.
  • Refactors getUserOrders to getUserSpotOrders and adds
  • +132/-17
    Add StrategyController endpoints for arbitrage and market making

  • Adds endpoints for managing arbitrage and market making strategies,
    including fetching all strategies, arbitrage details, and stopping
  • +64/-41 
    Enhance StrategyService with strategy execution control methods

  • Adds methods startArbitrageIfNotStarted, pauseStrategyIfNotPaused, and
    startMarketMakingIfNotStarted to manage strategy execution.
  • +70/-13 
    Implement StrategyUserRepository for strategy order management

  • Implements StrategyUserRepository for database operations related to
    strategy orders.
  • +116/-0 
    Implement memo generation for arbitrage and market making payments

  • Implements GenerateArbitrageMemo and GenerateMarketMakingMemo for
    generating memos for strategy payments.
  • +65/-13 
    Implement decoding for arbitrage and market making memos 

  • Implements decoding functions for arbitrage and market making memos.
  • +50/-14 
    Implement MarketMakingListener for market making event handling

  • Implements MarketMakingListener to handle market making related
  • +87/-0   
    Implement ArbitrageListener for arbitrage event handling 

    server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/arbitrage.listener.ts - Implements `ArbitrageListener` to handle arbitrage related events.
    Add frontend helper functions for strategy management       

  • Adds functions to interact with backend endpoints for managing
    arbitrage and market making strategies.
  • +71/-0   
    Add types for arbitrage and market making memo details     

  • Adds types and interfaces for arbitrage and market making memo
  • +18/-11 
    Add snapshot handling for arbitrage and market making       

  • Adds handling for arbitrage and market making snapshots, including
    refund logic.
  • +8/-9     
    Define types for market making orders and states                 

    interface/src/lib/types/hufi/market_making.ts - Defines types and interfaces for market making orders and states.
    Define types for arbitrage orders and states                         

    interface/src/lib/types/hufi/arbitrage.ts - Defines types and interfaces for arbitrage orders and states.
    Refactor wallet store for strategy order handling               

  • Refactors store variables for handling user orders and adds stores for
    strategy orders.
  • +4/-3     
    Define MarketMakingCreateEvent class                                         

  • Defines MarketMakingCreateEvent class for market making event data.
  • +18/-0   
    Implement server-side loading for arbitrage details page 

  • Implements server-side loading for arbitrage details page using
  • +4/-3     
    Update store variables for creating market making orders 

    interface/src/lib/stores/grow.ts - Updates store variables for creating market making orders.
    Add types for arbitrage and market making order states     

    server/src/common/types/orders/states.ts - Adds types for arbitrage and market making order states.
    Implement server-side loading for market making details page

  • Implements server-side loading for market making details page using
  • +9/-0     
    Implement createStrategyKey function                                         

  • Implements createStrategyKey function for generating strategy keys.
  • +9/-0     
    Define ArbitrageCreateEvent class                                               

    server/src/modules/mixin/events/arbitrage.event.ts - Defines `ArbitrageCreateEvent` class for arbitrage event data.
    Refactor connect wallet button to use component                   

  • Refactors connect wallet button to use ConnectWalletBtn component.
  • +2/-29   
    Error handling
    2 files
    Improve error handling in table sorting functions               

  • Adds try-catch blocks to sorting functions to handle potential errors.

  • +46/-30 
    Add error handling for market data store                                 

    interface/src/lib/stores/market.ts - Adds error handling for missing data in market data store.
    Configuration changes
    2 files
    Register new listeners in EventListenersModule                     

  • Registers ArbitrageListener and MarketMakingListener in the
  • +23/-7   
    Register StrategyUserService and StrategyUserRepository in

  • Registers StrategyUserService and StrategyUserRepository in the
  • +16/-3   
    Bug fix
    1 files
    Fix import paths in TransactionsService                                   

    server/src/modules/transactions/transactions.service.ts - Fixes import paths for `Transaction` and `UserBalance` entities.
    3 files
    Format arguments in rebalance service method call               

  • Formats arguments in rebalanceFromMixinToExchange method call for
  • +6/-1     
    Format method signature in ExchangeService                             

  • Formats method signature for findFirstAPIKeyByExchange for
  • +3/-1     
    Clean up and adjust margins in ongoing strategies display

  • Removes commented code and adjusts margins for ongoing strategies
  • +2/-16   

    PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    vercel[bot] commented 2 months ago

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    Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
    mr-market ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback Apr 10, 2024 9:26am
    railway-app[bot] commented 2 months ago

    This PR is being deployed to Railway 🚅

    railway-app[bot] commented 2 months ago

    This PR is being deployed to Railway 🚅

    Mr.Market: ◻️ REMOVED

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Review

    (Review updated until commit

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 5, due to the extensive changes across multiple files, including backend and frontend, involving new features, tests, and refactoring. The PR introduces new functionalities related to arbitrage and market making strategies, adds corresponding tests, and modifies existing code to accommodate these changes. Reviewing this PR requires a deep understanding of the project's architecture, the newly introduced business logic, and ensuring that the changes do not introduce regressions or security vulnerabilities.
    🧪 Relevant tests Yes
    🔍 Possible issues Possible Bug: The `handleResponse` function in `interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/strategy.ts` does not handle the case where the response body is empty or not in the expected format. This could lead to runtime errors when attempting to access properties on undefined.
    Performance Concern: The `findAllStrategyByUser` method in `server/src/modules/strategy/strategy-user.service.ts` retrieves all strategies related to a user and then combines them into a single array. If a user has a large number of strategies, this could lead to performance issues due to the large dataset being processed and returned.
    🔒 Security concerns No
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileserver/src/modules/strategy/strategy-user.service.ts
    suggestion       Consider implementing pagination for the `findAllStrategyByUser` method to improve performance and reduce memory usage when dealing with large datasets. [medium]
    relevant linereturn [...arbitrages, ...market_makings];

    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/strategy.ts
    suggestion       Add error handling for the case where `response.json()` fails to parse the response body in the `handleResponse` function. This will prevent unhandled promise rejections. [important]
    relevant linereturn await response.json();

    relevant fileserver/src/modules/mixin/listeners/market_making.listener.ts
    suggestion       Validate the `details` object in the `handleMarketMakingCreate` method to ensure all required properties are present before proceeding with the logic. [important]
    relevant lineif (!details || !snapshot) {

    relevant fileserver/src/common/helpers/mixin/memo.ts
    suggestion       In `decodeArbitrageMemo` and `decodeMarketMakingMemo`, ensure that the decoded memo parts match expected values to avoid potential issues with unexpected memo formats. [medium]
    relevant lineif (parts.length !== 6) {

    ✨ Review tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review which includes several types of feedbacks, such as possible PR issues, security threats and relevant test in the PR. More feedbacks can be [added]( by configuring the tool. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the review [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Handle cases where fetch operations do not return a valid response. ___ **It's recommended to explicitly handle the case when the fetch operations in the async
    functions getAllStrategyByUser, getAllArbitrageByUser, getArbitrageDetailsById,
    stopArbitrage, getAllMarketMakingByUser, getMarketMakingDetailsById, and
    stopPureMarketMaking do not throw an error but also do not return a valid response. This
    can be achieved by returning a default value or an error object to ensure that the calling
    function can handle this scenario gracefully.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/strategy.ts [12-70]]( ```diff -return await handleResponse(response); +const result = await handleResponse(response); +if (!result) { + // Handle the case where result is undefined or null + return { error: 'No data returned from the server' }; +} +return result; ```
    Improve error handling in memo generation functions. ___ **For the functions GenerateArbitrageMemo and GenerateMarketMakingMemo, consider adding a
    more robust error handling mechanism. Instead of just logging the error and returning
    undefined, you could throw a custom error or return an error object. This would allow the
    calling code to handle the error more gracefully and take appropriate actions based on the
    error type.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/memo.ts [82-124]]( ```diff -console.error(`GenerateArbitrageMemo failed to get exchange indices for: ${exchangeA}, ${exchangeB}`); -return; +throw new Error(`GenerateArbitrageMemo failed to get exchange indices for: ${exchangeA}, ${exchangeB}`); ```
    Improve input validation by throwing errors in payment functions. ___ **In the ArbitragePay and MarketMakingPay functions, it's important to validate the input
    parameters before proceeding with the logic. However, the current implementation logs an
    error and returns undefined in case of invalid input. Consider throwing an error instead,
    which can be caught and handled by the caller, providing a clearer indication that
    something went wrong due to invalid inputs.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts [285-338]]( ```diff -console.error('Invalid input parameters for ArbitragePay'); -return; +throw new Error('Invalid input parameters for ArbitragePay'); ```
    Return error information from sorting functions on failure. ___ **The sorting functions sortByString and sortByNumber currently catch and log errors but do
    not provide feedback to the caller about the failure. To improve this, consider returning
    a specific error or a status object from these functions when an error occurs. This
    approach allows the caller to react accordingly, possibly by displaying an error message
    to the user or attempting a fallback operation.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/sortTable.ts [22-35]]( ```diff -console.error(e); +return { error: e.message }; ```
    Add null checks for method parameters to prevent potential runtime errors. ___ **Consider checking for null or undefined values for details and snapshot parameters in
    handleArbitrageCreate method to ensure robustness. This can prevent potential runtime
    errors when these objects are accessed if they happen to be null or undefined.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/arbitrage.listener.ts [22-24]]( ```diff async handleArbitrageCreate( details: ArbitrageMemoDetails, snapshot: SafeSnapshot, ) { + if (!details || !snapshot) { + throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to handleArbitrageCreate'); + } ```
    Use custom error classes for specific error cases. ___ **To improve error handling, consider defining a custom error class for not found entities
    instead of throwing a generic Error. This allows for more precise error handling where
    these methods are used.** [server/src/modules/strategy/strategy-user.repository.ts [57]]( ```diff -throw new Error('ArbitrageOrder not found'); +throw new ArbitrageOrderNotFoundError('ArbitrageOrder not found'); ```
    Implement transactional operations for multi-step updates. ___ **To ensure the integrity of the database, consider implementing transactional operations
    especially for methods that involve multiple steps or updates like
    updateArbitrageOrderState and updateMarketMakingOrderState.** [server/src/modules/strategy/strategy-user.repository.ts [60]]( ```diff -await; +await this.arbitrageRepository.manager.transaction(async transactionalEntityManager => { + await; +}); ```
    Implement error handling for undefined or null data in marketData store. ___ **In the derived store marketData, when handling success in handleSuccess, it's good
    practice to check for the validity of params. However, the current implementation does not
    define the handleError function used in the check. Ensure that you define and implement
    handleError to properly handle cases where params is undefined or null, such as logging
    the error or setting an error state.** [interface/src/lib/stores/market.ts [59-62]]( ```diff if (!params) { - handleError(); + console.error('No data received'); + marketDataState.set('error'); return; } ```
    Best practice
    Define a specific type for userStrategyOrders instead of using unknown[]. ___ **It's recommended to define a type for unknown[] in userStrategyOrders to ensure type
    safety and improve code readability. If the structure of strategy orders is known, replace
    unknown[] with a more specific type.** [interface/src/lib/stores/wallet.ts [11]]( ```diff -export const userStrategyOrders: Writable = writable([]) +// Assuming StrategyOrder is the defined type +export const userStrategyOrders: Writable = writable([]) ```
    Use numeric types for numeric fields in ArbitrageOrder. ___ **For amountToTrade and minProfitability in ArbitrageOrder, consider using a numeric type if
    these fields represent numeric values. This can improve type checking and avoid potential
    runtime errors or the need for type conversions.** [interface/src/lib/types/hufi/arbitrage.ts [10-11]]( ```diff -amountToTrade: string; -minProfitability: string; +amountToTrade: number; +minProfitability: number; ```
    Use numeric types for fields representing numeric values in MarketMakingOrder. ___ **For numeric fields such as bidSpread, askSpread, orderAmount, orderRefreshTime,
    numberOfLayers, ceilingPrice, and floorPrice in MarketMakingOrder, consider using a
    numeric type instead of string to ensure proper type checks and avoid unnecessary type
    conversions.** [interface/src/lib/types/hufi/market_making.ts [18-27]]( ```diff -bidSpread: string; -askSpread: string; -orderAmount: string; -orderRefreshTime: string; -numberOfLayers: string; -ceilingPrice?: string; -floorPrice?: string; +bidSpread: number; +askSpread: number; +orderAmount: number; +orderRefreshTime: number; +numberOfLayers: number; +ceilingPrice?: number; +floorPrice?: number; ```
    Use Date type for createdAt fields in entity classes. ___ **For the createdAt field in both ArbitrageOrder and MarketMakingOrder entities, consider
    using a more appropriate type like Date instead of string. This will leverage TypeORM's
    ability to automatically handle date/time conversions and comparisons.** [server/src/common/entities/strategy.entity.ts [38]]( ```diff -createdAt: string; +createdAt: Date; ```
    Validate memo parts against known values in memo decoding functions. ___ **When decoding memos in decodeArbitrageMemo and decodeMarketMakingMemo, it's a good
    practice to validate the tradingType, action, and exchangeName against known values to
    ensure they match expected formats. This can prevent potential issues with unexpected or
    malformed memo strings.** [server/src/common/helpers/mixin/memo.ts [54]]( ```diff -const [tradingType, action, exchangeAIndex, exchangeBIndex, destId, traceId] = parts; -const [tradingType, action, exchangeIndex, destId, traceId] = parts; +// Example validation for decodeArbitrageMemo +if (!TARDING_TYPE_MAP[tradingType] || !ARBITRAGE_MEMO_ACTION_MAP[action] || !SPOT_EXCHANGE_MAP[exchangeAIndex] || !SPOT_EXCHANGE_MAP[exchangeBIndex]) { + return null; +} +// Similar validation can be applied to decodeMarketMakingMemo ```
    Use structured logging for better log analysis. ___ **It's recommended to use structured logging instead of simple log statements. This allows
    for better searchability and analysis of logs. For instance, instead of using
    this.logger.log(arbDetails);, consider logging with a structured format that includes both
    the action type and the details.** [server/src/modules/mixin/snapshots/snapshots.service.ts [486]]( ```diff -this.logger.log(arbDetails); +this.logger.log({ action: 'arbitrage.create', details: arbDetails }); ```
    Use strict inequality for comparison to avoid type coercion issues. ___ **Instead of using direct comparison with != for checking snapshot.asset_id against
    baseAssetID and targetAssetID, consider using the strict inequality operator !== to ensure
    both type and value are compared. This is a best practice to avoid potential type coercion
    issues.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/arbitrage.listener.ts [31-32]]( ```diff if ( - snapshot.asset_id != baseAssetID && - snapshot.asset_id != targetAssetID + snapshot.asset_id !== baseAssetID && + snapshot.asset_id !== targetAssetID ) { ```
    Use more specific types for ID parameters. ___ **Consider using a more specific type than string for orderId and userId parameters in
    methods like findArbitrageByOrderId, findArbitrageByUserId, etc. If these IDs have a
    specific format or limited set of possible values, using a more specific type can help
    catch errors at compile time.** [server/src/modules/strategy/strategy-user.repository.ts [31-33]]( ```diff -findArbitrageByOrderId(orderId: string): Promise { +findArbitrageByOrderId(orderId: OrderIdType): Promise { ```
    Return a boolean for update methods to indicate success. ___ **For methods like updateArbitrageOrderState and updateMarketMakingOrderState, consider
    returning a boolean indicating success or failure instead of void or the entity itself.
    This makes the API more consistent, especially since updatePaymentStateById returns null
    on failure.** [server/src/modules/strategy/strategy-user.repository.ts [52]]( ```diff -): Promise { +): Promise { ```
    Use enums instead of magic strings for state values. ___ **Instead of using magic strings for states like 'created' and 'paused' in methods
    findRunningArbitrageOrders and findPausedArbitrageOrders, consider using an enum. This
    improves code readability and maintainability.** [server/src/modules/strategy/strategy-user.repository.ts [42]]( ```diff -return this.arbitrageRepository.findBy({ state: 'created' }); +return this.arbitrageRepository.findBy({ state: ArbitrageOrderState.Created }); ```
    Extract complex logic into separate methods for better readability and maintainability. ___ **To improve code readability and maintainability, consider extracting the logic for
    creating or updating payment states into separate private methods within the
    MarketMakingListener class. This can help reduce the complexity of the
    handleMarketMakingCreate method and make the code easier to understand and modify.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/market_making.listener.ts [40-61]]( ```diff if (!paymentState) { + return await this.createInitialPaymentState(details, snapshot); +} +if (paymentState && !paymentState.secondAssetId) { + await this.updatePaymentStateWithSecondAsset(details, snapshot); +} +// Below the handleMarketMakingCreate method, add the new private methods +private async createInitialPaymentState(details: MarketMakingMemoDetails, snapshot: SafeSnapshot): Promise { const now = getRFC3339Timestamp(); - return await this.strategyUserService.createPaymentState({ + await this.strategyUserService.createPaymentState({ ... } as PaymentState); } -if (paymentState && !paymentState.secondAssetId) { +private async updatePaymentStateWithSecondAsset(details: MarketMakingMemoDetails, snapshot: SafeSnapshot): Promise { await this.strategyUserService.updatePaymentStateById(details.traceId, { ... } as PaymentState); } ```
    Organize imports and providers alphabetically for better readability. ___ **To enhance the modularity and maintainability of the EventListenersModule, consider
    organizing the imports and providers in alphabetical order. This small change can make the
    module more readable and easier to navigate, especially as it grows in complexity.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/events.module.ts [14-27]]( ```diff imports: [ + CustomConfigModule, ExchangeModule, SnapshotsModule, - CustomConfigModule, StrategyModule, ], providers: [ + ArbitrageListener, + ConfigService, ExchangeListener, + MarketMakingListener, MixinListener, SpotOrderListener, - ArbitrageListener, - MarketMakingListener, - ConfigService, ], ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    zed-wong commented 2 months ago


    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Best practice
    Add explicit return types to asynchronous functions. ___ **It's a good practice to explicitly define the return type for asynchronous functions to
    improve code readability and maintainability. For all the exported async functions in this
    file, consider adding explicit return types.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/strategy.ts [10-44]]( ```diff -export const getAllStrategyByUser = async (userId: string) => { +export const getAllStrategyByUser = async (userId: string): Promise => { ```
    Validate input parameters and throw errors if validation fails in payment functions. ___ **For functions like ArbitragePay and MarketMakingPay, consider validating the input
    parameters at the beginning of the function and throwing an error if the validation fails.
    This approach follows the fail-fast principle and makes the code more robust.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts [285-368]]( ```diff if (!exchangeA || !exchangeB || !symbol || !amount || !orderId || !assetId) { - console.error('Invalid input parameters for ArbitragePay'); - return; + throw new Error('Invalid input parameters for ArbitragePay'); } ```
    Use a more robust comparison method for asset IDs. ___ **Instead of directly comparing snapshot.asset_id with baseAssetID and targetAssetID using
    inequality operators, consider using a more robust method that accounts for potential
    undefined or null values. This can prevent unintended behavior when one of the IDs is not
    properly retrieved or defined.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/arbitrage.listener.ts [34-39]]( ```diff if ( - snapshot.asset_id != baseAssetID && - snapshot.asset_id != targetAssetID + ![baseAssetID, targetAssetID].includes(snapshot.asset_id) ) { // Transfer asset doesn't match any of symbol, refund return await this.snapshotService.refund(snapshot); } ```
    Use a type or interface for the balances object. ___ **For the balances object, consider using a type or interface to define its structure. This
    will help with type checking and ensure that the balance objects adhere to a consistent
    format.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [46-145]]( ```diff -balances: { - BTC: '10', - }, +balances: BalancesType, ```
    Improve test case descriptions for clarity. ___ **To ensure the test descriptions are clear and consistent, consider using a more
    descriptive naming convention for test cases. For example, instead of "Generates correct
    Spot Memo", use "should generate a correct Spot Memo when provided with valid parameters".** [interface/src/lib/helpers/memo.test.ts [17-29]]( ```diff -it('Generates correct Spot Memo', () => { +it('should generate a correct Spot Memo when provided with valid parameters', () => { ```
    Handle errors by throwing exceptions or returning default values in memo generation functions. ___ **Instead of returning undefined when an error occurs in GenerateArbitrageMemo and
    GenerateMarketMakingMemo, consider throwing a custom error or returning a default error
    memo. This approach can help in handling errors more gracefully in the calling code.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/memo.ts [82-124]]( ```diff -console.error(`GenerateArbitrageMemo failed to get exchange indices for: ${exchangeA}, ${exchangeB}`); -return; +throw new Error(`GenerateArbitrageMemo failed to get exchange indices for: ${exchangeA}, ${exchangeB}`); ```
    Improve type safety by specifying a concrete type for userStrategyOrders. ___ **Consider initializing userSpotOrders and userStrategyOrders with a specific type instead
    of unknown[] for userStrategyOrders to ensure type safety. For example, if
    userStrategyOrders is supposed to hold a list of strategy order objects, define an
    interface for the strategy order and use it.** [interface/src/lib/stores/wallet.ts [11]]( ```diff export const userSpotOrders:Writable = writable([]) -export const userStrategyOrders: Writable = writable([]) +// Assuming StrategyOrder is an interface you've defined +export const userStrategyOrders: Writable = writable([]) ```
    Use numeric types for amountToTrade and minProfitability in ArbitrageOrder. ___ **For amountToTrade and minProfitability in ArbitrageOrder, consider using a numeric type
    (e.g., number or bigint) instead of string to ensure that these fields are treated as
    numeric values, which is more appropriate for amounts and calculations.** [interface/src/lib/types/hufi/arbitrage.ts [10-11]]( ```diff -amountToTrade: string; -minProfitability: string; +amountToTrade: number; +minProfitability: number; ```
    Use numeric types for monetary and time-related fields in MarketMakingOrder. ___ **For fields representing amounts, spreads, and times in MarketMakingOrder (e.g., bidSpread,
    askSpread, orderAmount, orderRefreshTime, numberOfLayers, amountChangePerLayer,
    ceilingPrice, floorPrice), consider using numeric types (number or bigint) instead of
    string to ensure proper handling of numerical values.** [interface/src/lib/types/hufi/market_making.ts [18-27]]( ```diff -bidSpread: string; -askSpread: string; -orderAmount: string; -orderRefreshTime: string; -numberOfLayers: string; -amountChangePerLayer: string; -ceilingPrice?: string; -floorPrice?: string; +bidSpread: number; +askSpread: number; +orderAmount: number; +orderRefreshTime: number; +numberOfLayers: number; +amountChangePerLayer: number; +ceilingPrice?: number; +floorPrice?: number; ```
    Use Date type for createdAt fields in entities to handle timestamps appropriately. ___ **For the createdAt fields in both ArbitrageOrder and MarketMakingOrder entities, consider
    using a date type (Date) instead of string. This change ensures that the fields are
    treated as dates, which is more appropriate for timestamp fields and allows for easier
    manipulation and formatting of date values.** [server/src/common/entities/strategy.entity.ts [38]]( ```diff -createdAt: string; +createdAt: Date; ```
    Add error handling and logging to memo decoding functions for better debugging. ___ **For the decodeArbitrageMemo and decodeMarketMakingMemo functions, consider adding error
    handling or logging to provide feedback when the input does not meet the expected format
    or when a symbol cannot be found. This improvement can help with debugging and ensure that
    issues with memo decoding are easier to identify and resolve.** [server/src/common/helpers/mixin/memo.ts [47-50]]( ```diff if (!decodedMemo) { + console.error("Empty memo string."); return null; } +// Add similar checks and logging for other error conditions within these functions. ```
    Add error handling for asynchronous operation. ___ **Consider adding error handling for the asynchronous operation within
    findFirstAPIKeyByExchange. This can be achieved by wrapping the operation in a try-catch
    block to gracefully handle potential errors that might occur during the execution of
    readAllAPIKeysByExchange.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.service.ts [473-475]]( ```diff -const apiKeys = await this.exchangeRepository.readAllAPIKeysByExchange( - exchange, -); +let apiKeys; +try { + apiKeys = await this.exchangeRepository.readAllAPIKeysByExchange(exchange); +} catch (error) { + console.error('Error reading API keys:', error); + throw new Error('Failed to read API keys'); +} ```
    Add more thorough validation for method arguments. ___ **To ensure the robustness of the handleMarketMakingCreate method, it's recommended to
    validate the details and snapshot objects more thoroughly. Instead of just checking for
    their presence, validate that they contain the necessary properties for the operation to
    proceed.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/market_making.listener.ts [26-28]]( ```diff -if (!details || !snapshot) { - console.error('Invalid arguments passed to handleMarketMakingCreate'); +if (!details || !snapshot || !details.traceId || !snapshot.asset_id) { + console.error('Invalid or incomplete arguments passed to handleMarketMakingCreate'); return; } ```
    Optimize sorting functions by avoiding unnecessary reverse calls. ___ **To improve the efficiency of sorting functions, consider using a single sort call with a
    conditional check for ascendingOrder inside the comparison function. This approach reduces
    the need to call reverse, which can be more performant for large datasets.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/sortTable.ts [3-24]]( ```diff data = data.sort((obj1, obj2) => { const value1 = obj1[colHeader].toLowerCase(); const value2 = obj2[colHeader].toLowerCase(); if (value1 < value2) { - return 1; + return ascendingOrder ? -1 : 1; } else if (value1 > value2) { - return -1; + return ascendingOrder ? 1 : -1; } return 0; }); -if (!ascendingOrder) { - data = data.reverse(); -} - ```
    Alphabetically sort module imports and providers for better readability. ___ **To improve the maintainability and readability of the module imports and providers,
    consider alphabetically sorting the imported modules and providers. This can help in
    quickly identifying if a module or provider is already included and makes the code
    cleaner.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/events.module.ts [14-27]]( ```diff imports: [ + CustomConfigModule, ExchangeModule, SnapshotsModule, - CustomConfigModule, StrategyModule, ], providers: [ + ArbitrageListener, + ConfigService, ExchangeListener, + MarketMakingListener, MixinListener, SpotOrderListener, - ArbitrageListener, - MarketMakingListener, - ConfigService, ], ```
    Extract logic into separate methods for clarity. ___ **To enhance the readability and maintainability of the handleArbitrageCreate method,
    consider extracting the logic for creating and updating payment states into separate
    private methods within the class. This can make the main method more concise and easier to
    understand.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/arbitrage.listener.ts [45-56]]( ```diff if (!paymentState) { + return this.createInitialPaymentState(details, snapshot); +} +// Elsewhere in the class +private async createInitialPaymentState(details: ArbitrageMemoDetails, snapshot: SafeSnapshot): Promise { const now = getRFC3339Timestamp(); return await this.strategyUserService.createPaymentState({ orderId: details.traceId, type: 'arbitrage', symbol: details.symbol, firstAssetId: snapshot.asset_id, firstAssetAmount: snapshot.amount, firstSnapshotId: snapshot.snapshot_id, createdAt: now, updatedAt: now, - } as PaymentState); + }); } ```
    Improve variable naming for better readability. ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name than key_id for better code readability.
    For instance, apiKeyId would make it immediately clear that this ID is related to an API
    key.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [66]]( ```diff -.mockResolvedValue({ key_id: 'key1' }), +.mockResolvedValue({ apiKeyId: 'key1' }), ```
    Reduce duplication by extracting mock implementations into a separate function or variable. ___ **Consider extracting the mock implementations for aggregateBalancesByExchange into a
    separate function or variable to reduce duplication and improve maintainability.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [41-60]]( ```diff -aggregateBalancesByExchange: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ - exchange1: { - total: { BTC: '1' }, - apiKeyBalances: [ - { - balances: { - BTC: '10', - }, +const mockAggregateBalances = { + exchange1: { + total: { BTC: '1' }, + apiKeyBalances: [ + { + balances: { + BTC: '10', }, - ], - }, - exchange2: { - total: { BTC: '1' }, - apiKeyBalances: [ - { - balances: { - BTC: '2', - }, + }, + ], + }, + exchange2: { + total: { BTC: '1' }, + apiKeyBalances: [ + { + balances: { + BTC: '2', }, - ], - }, - }), + }, + ], + }, +}; +aggregateBalancesByExchange: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(mockAggregateBalances), ```
    Possible issue
    Ensure consistent return types for method calls. ___ **Ensure consistent return types for findFirstAPIKeyByExchange. The method returns an object
    in one instance and an array of objects in another. Decide on one format to maintain
    consistency and prevent potential errors.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [66-154]]( ```diff -.mockResolvedValue({ key_id: 'key1' }), -.mockResolvedValue([{ key_id: 'key1' }]), +.mockResolvedValue([{ apiKeyId: 'key1' }]), +.mockResolvedValue([{ apiKeyId: 'key1' }]), ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    Persistent review updated to latest commit

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Add error handling for fetch operations. ___ **It's recommended to handle the case where the fetch operations in the async functions
    might fail due to network issues or server errors. You can wrap the fetch call in a
    try-catch block to catch any potential errors and handle them accordingly. This ensures
    that your application can gracefully handle network or server failures.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/strategy.ts [12]]( ```diff -const response = await fetch(`${HUFI_BACKEND_URL}/strategy/all?userId=${userId}`); +let response; +try { + response = await fetch(`${HUFI_BACKEND_URL}/strategy/all?userId=${userId}`); +} catch (error) { + console.error('Network error:', error); + return; +} ```
    Implement a fallback mechanism for missing data. ___ **To ensure that the application can handle cases where no data is received from the API,
    it's recommended to implement a fallback mechanism or a default state. This could involve
    setting a default state for the UI or displaying a message to the user indicating that no
    data is available.** [interface/src/lib/stores/market.ts [59-62]]( ```diff if (!params) { console.error('No data received'); marketDataState.set('error'); + // Implement a fallback UI state or notify the user return; } ```
    Use decimal type for numeric properties in entities to ensure accuracy. ___ **For numeric properties in ArbitrageOrder and MarketMakingOrder entities, such as
    amountToTrade, minProfitability, bidSpread, askSpread, orderAmount, orderRefreshTime,
    numberOfLayers, and amountChangePerLayer, consider using the numeric or decimal type in
    the database to accurately represent these values, especially if they involve financial
    calculations.** [server/src/common/entities/strategy.entity.ts [17-74]]( ```diff -amountToTrade: string; -minProfitability: string; -bidSpread: string; -askSpread: string; -orderAmount: string; -orderRefreshTime: string; -numberOfLayers: string; -amountChangePerLayer: string; +@Column('decimal') +amountToTrade: number; +@Column('decimal') +minProfitability: number; +@Column('decimal') +bidSpread: number; +@Column('decimal') +askSpread: number; +@Column('decimal') +orderAmount: number; +@Column('decimal') +orderRefreshTime: number; +@Column('decimal') +numberOfLayers: number; +@Column('decimal') +amountChangePerLayer: number; ```
    Add error logging for invalid memo decoding cases. ___ **When decoding memos in decodeArbitrageMemo and decodeMarketMakingMemo, consider adding
    error logging for cases where the memo format is invalid or when the destId does not map
    to a symbol. This can aid in debugging and provide clearer insights into why a memo
    decoding might fail.** [server/src/common/helpers/mixin/memo.ts [51-60]]( ```diff if (parts.length !== 6) { + console.error(`Invalid memo format: ${decodedMemo}`); return null; } if (!symbol) { + console.error(`destId does not map to a symbol: ${destId}`); return null; } ```
    Add error handling for the repository method call. ___ **Consider implementing error handling for the readAllAPIKeysByExchange method call to
    handle possible failures gracefully.** [server/src/modules/mixin/exchange/exchange.service.ts [473-475]]( ```diff -const apiKeys = await this.exchangeRepository.readAllAPIKeysByExchange( - exchange, -); +let apiKeys; +try { + apiKeys = await this.exchangeRepository.readAllAPIKeysByExchange(exchange); +} catch (error) { + console.error(`Failed to read API keys for exchange ${exchange}:`, error); + throw new Error('Failed to read API keys from the repository'); +} ```
    Add assertions for mock function calls. ___ **For better test reliability, consider adding assertions to verify that the mock functions
    (e.g., findFirstAPIKeyByExchange, getDepositAddress) are called with the expected
    arguments.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [64-66]]( ```diff -findFirstAPIKeyByExchange: jest - .fn() - .mockResolvedValue({ key_id: 'key1' }), +expect(findFirstAPIKeyByExchange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedExchangeArgument); ```
    Best practice
    Use custom errors instead of returning undefined on failure. ___ **Instead of returning undefined when an error occurs in GenerateArbitrageMemo and
    GenerateMarketMakingMemo, consider throwing a custom error with a meaningful message. This
    approach makes it easier to debug issues and handle errors upstream where these functions
    are called.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/memo.ts [82-83]]( ```diff -console.error(`GenerateArbitrageMemo failed to get exchange indices for: ${exchangeA}, ${exchangeB}`); -return; +throw new Error(`GenerateArbitrageMemo failed to get exchange indices for: ${exchangeA}, ${exchangeB}`); ```
    Add try-catch block for network requests. ___ **When performing operations that might fail, such as network requests, it's a good practice
    to wrap these operations in try-catch blocks. This suggestion applies to the mixinPay
    function, where the axios call could fail due to network issues.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/mixin.ts [51-53]]( ```diff -const { data } = await`${MIXIN_API_BASE_URL}/payments`, JSON.stringify({ - asset_id: asset_id, - opponent_multisig: { - receivers: receivers, - threshold: 2, - }, - amount: amount, - memo: memo, - trace: trace_id, -})) +let data; +try { + const response = await`${MIXIN_API_BASE_URL}/payments`, JSON.stringify({ + asset_id: asset_id, + opponent_multisig: { + receivers: receivers, + threshold: 2, + }, + amount: amount, + memo: memo, + trace: trace_id, + })); + data =; +} catch (error) { + console.error('Failed to make payment:', error); + return; +} ```
    Use specific types instead of unknown for better compile-time type checking. ___ **Consider initializing userSpotOrders and userStrategyOrders with a more specific type
    rather than unknown[]. Using unknown defers type safety checks to runtime, which can lead
    to harder to debug issues. If the type of orders is known, specifying it can help catch
    errors at compile time.** [interface/src/lib/stores/wallet.ts [11]]( ```diff -export const userStrategyOrders: Writable = writable([]) +export const userStrategyOrders: Writable = writable([]) ```
    Use numeric types for properties representing numeric values. ___ **For the ArbitrageOrder interface, consider using more precise types for properties like
    amountToTrade and minProfitability. If these properties represent numeric values, using
    number or bigint instead of string can provide better type safety and avoid the need for
    type conversions later in the code.** [interface/src/lib/types/hufi/arbitrage.ts [10-11]]( ```diff -amountToTrade: string; -minProfitability: string; +amountToTrade: number; +minProfitability: number; ```
    Use a logging framework or error handling strategy instead of console.error. ___ **Replace direct console.error logging with a more robust logging framework or error
    handling strategy to improve error tracking and handling.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/arbitrage.listener.ts [26]]( ```diff -console.error('Invalid arguments passed to handleArbitrageCreate'); +// Assuming a logging framework like Winston or a custom error handling strategy +logger.error('Invalid arguments passed to handleArbitrageCreate'); ```
    Use strict inequality for comparisons to avoid type coercion issues. ___ **Ensure consistent comparison operators by using strict inequality (!==) instead of loose
    inequality (!=) to avoid potential type coercion bugs.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/arbitrage.listener.ts [35-36]]( ```diff -snapshot.asset_id != baseAssetID && -snapshot.asset_id != targetAssetID +snapshot.asset_id !== baseAssetID && +snapshot.asset_id !== targetAssetID ```
    Replace magic numbers with named constants. ___ **It's recommended to avoid using magic numbers directly in the code. Consider defining a
    constant for the BTC values ('1', '10', '2', '0.1') used in the mockReturnValue to enhance
    code readability and maintainability.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [43]]( ```diff -total: { BTC: '1' }, +const BTC_BALANCE_EXCHANGE1 = '1'; +total: { BTC: BTC_BALANCE_EXCHANGE1 }, ```
    Abstract comparison logic into separate functions. ___ **To improve the readability and maintainability of the sorting functions, consider
    abstracting the comparison logic into separate functions. This approach reduces code
    duplication and makes the code easier to understand.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/sortTable.ts [5-15]]( ```diff -data = data.sort((obj1, obj2) => { - const value1 = obj1[colHeader].toLowerCase(); - const value2 = obj2[colHeader].toLowerCase(); - if (value1 < value2) { - return 1; - } else if (value1 > value2) { - return -1; - } +const compareStrings = (value1, value2) => { + if (value1 < value2) return 1; + if (value1 > value2) return -1; return 0; -}); +}; +data = data.sort((obj1, obj2) => compareStrings(obj1[colHeader].toLowerCase(), obj2[colHeader].toLowerCase())); ```
    Group related module imports and declarations for better readability. ___ **Consider organizing imports and module declarations by grouping related entities together
    to improve readability and maintainability of the module configuration.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/events.module.ts [14-19]]( ```diff imports: [ + // Mixin related modules ExchangeModule, SnapshotsModule, + // Strategy related modules + StrategyModule, + // Configuration modules CustomConfigModule, - StrategyModule, ], ```
    Extract logic into separate methods for better maintainability. ___ **To improve code maintainability, consider extracting the logic for creating or updating
    payment states and market making into separate private methods within the class.** [server/src/modules/mixin/listeners/market_making.listener.ts [44-55]]( ```diff if (!paymentState) { + return await this.createInitialPaymentState(details, snapshot); +} +... +private async createInitialPaymentState(details: MarketMakingMemoDetails, snapshot: SafeSnapshot): Promise { const now = getRFC3339Timestamp(); return await this.strategyUserService.createPaymentState({ orderId: details.traceId, type: 'market_making', ... } as PaymentState); } ```
    Improve variable naming for better readability. ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name instead of key_id for better code
    readability. For instance, apiKeyId would make it immediately clear that it refers to the
    ID of an API key.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [66]]( ```diff -.mockResolvedValue({ key_id: 'key1' }), +.mockResolvedValue({ apiKeyId: 'key1' }), ```
    Refactor repeated mock structures into a helper function. ___ **To improve the test's clarity and maintainability, consider refactoring the repeated mock
    structure for aggregateBalancesByExchange into a helper function. This function can then
    be reused across different tests.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [41-51]]( ```diff -aggregateBalancesByExchange: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ - exchange1: { - total: { BTC: '1' }, - apiKeyBalances: [ - { - balances: { - BTC: '10', +function mockAggregateBalancesByExchange() { + return { + exchange1: { + total: { BTC: '1' }, + apiKeyBalances: [ + { + balances: { + BTC: '10', + }, }, - }, - ], - }, + ], + }, + }; +} +aggregateBalancesByExchange: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(mockAggregateBalancesByExchange()), ```
    Possible issue
    Ensure consistent mock data structures. ___ **Ensure consistent data structure for mockResolvedValue. If the function is expected to
    return an array of objects, make sure this is consistently mocked across all tests to
    avoid potential issues during testing.** [server/src/modules/mixin/rebalance/rebalance.service.spec.ts [66]]( ```diff -.mockResolvedValue({ key_id: 'key1' }), +.mockResolvedValue([{ apiKeyId: 'key1' }]), ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.