Hu-Fi / Mr.Market

Mr. Market is the exchange oracle of HuFi, and a CeFi crypto bot on Mixin Messenger
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Add more tests and update README #150

Closed zed-wong closed 2 months ago

zed-wong commented 2 months ago


Tests, Enhancement


Changes walkthrough

Relevant files
8 files
Update Supported Exchanges in fetchOHLCV Test                       

  • Removed 'binance' from the list of supported exchanges in the
    'fetchOHLCV' test.
  • +1/-1     
    Add Arbitrage Creation Tests                                                         

  • Added comprehensive tests for creating arbitrage including UI
    interactions and payment process.
  • +48/-0   
    Add Market Making Tests                                                                   

    interface/tests/grow/market-making.spec.ts - Added tests for market making feature including UI interactions.
    Add Home Navigation Tests                                                               

  • Added tests for navigation through the home section using bottom
  • +22/-0   
    Add Candlestick Pair Selector Tests                                           

  • Added tests for opening and closing the pair selector in the
    candlestick view.
  • +18/-0   
    Add Spot Navigation Tests                                                               

  • Added tests for navigation functionalities in the spot trading
  • +22/-0   
    Update Trading Tests                                                                         

  • Enabled previously skipped test for creating buy/sell market orders.
  • +1/-15   
    Update Connect Wallet Test                                                             

    interface/tests/wallet/connect-wallet.spec.ts - Updated the 'connect wallet' test to handle popup events.
    1 files
    Update README with Deployment Instructions                         
  • Updated deployment instructions with new buttons for Vercel and
  • +13/-1   
    2 files
    Add New Time Interval to English Localization                       

    interface/src/i18n/en.json - Added new time interval '24hr' to English localization.
    Add New Time Interval to Chinese Localization                       

    interface/src/i18n/zh.json - Added new time interval '24hr' to Chinese localization.

    PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    vercel[bot] commented 2 months ago

    The latest updates on your projects. Learn more about Vercel for Git ↗︎

    Name Status Preview Updated (UTC)
    mr-market ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview Apr 15, 2024 8:42am
    railway-app[bot] commented 2 months ago

    This PR is being deployed to Railway 🚅

    railway-app[bot] commented 2 months ago

    This PR is being deployed to Railway 🚅

    Mr.Market: ◻️ REMOVED

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Review

    (Review updated until commit

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 3, because the PR includes multiple test files and updates to localization files, which requires careful review to ensure that all new features are covered by tests and that the localizations are correctly implemented.
    🧪 Relevant tests Yes
    🔍 Possible issues Possible Bug: The removal of 'binance' from the list of supported exchanges in `coin.test.ts` might affect existing functionalities that rely on Binance as a supported exchange. This change should be validated to ensure it does not break any existing features.
    🔒 Security concerns No
    Code feedback:
    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/coin.test.ts
    suggestion       Consider adding a test case to verify that the removal of 'binance' from the supported exchanges does not negatively impact other functionalities that might rely on this exchange. This is important to ensure that existing features remain stable after this change. [important]
    relevant lineconst exchanges: SupportedExchanges[] = ['bitfinex', 'mexc']

    relevant fileinterface/tests/grow/arbitrage.spec.ts
    suggestion       It's recommended to add error handling for network requests or unexpected user input during the arbitrage creation process. This could improve the robustness of the test by ensuring it can gracefully handle errors. [important]
    relevant lineawait page.getByTestId('create-new-arbitrage').click();

    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/components/dialogs/grow/arbitrage/confirmPayment.svelte
    suggestion       Implement a check to disable the payment button if the payment has already been made. This prevents users from making duplicate payments and enhances the user experience. [important]
    relevant linedata-testid='pay-btn-1'

    relevant fileinterface/src/lib/components/grow/arbitrage/new/easy/exchanges.svelte
    suggestion       Add a confirmation dialog or visual feedback when an exchange is selected. This would improve user interaction by providing clear feedback that their selection has been registered. [medium]
    relevant linedata-testid="select-exchange-1"

    ✨ Review tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review which includes several types of feedbacks, such as possible PR issues, security threats and relevant test in the PR. More feedbacks can be [added]( by configuring the tool. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the review [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Replace hard-coded exchange list with a dynamic import from a configuration file. ___ **Replace the hard-coded array of exchanges with a dynamic import or configuration to make
    the test more flexible and maintainable.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/coin.test.ts [20]]( ```diff -const exchanges: SupportedExchanges[] = ['bitfinex', 'mexc'] +import { supportedExchanges } from './config'; +const exchanges: SupportedExchanges[] = supportedExchanges; ```
    Extract repetitive button styling into a shared CSS class for better maintainability. ___ **Extract the button styling into a shared CSS class to reduce inline styling duplication
    and improve maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/grow/arbitrage/confirmPayment.svelte [121-127]]( ```diff + +
    Remove unused attributes from SVG elements. ___ **Remove the unused xmlns attribute from the script tag within the SVG element to clean up
    the code and avoid potential confusion.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/elements/entrance.svelte [36]]( ```diff - + ```
    Use responsive CSS classes for dynamic height management. ___ **Replace the hardcoded height values with a more responsive approach using CSS classes or
    styles that adapt based on the viewport or container size.** [interface/src/lib/components/spot/order/elements/orders.svelte [116]]( ```diff -
    Use a loop to automate repetitive test actions for selecting exchanges. ___ **Use a loop to automate repetitive test actions and reduce code duplication for clicking
    and filling actions.** [interface/tests/grow/arbitrage.spec.ts [18-22]]( ```diff -await page.getByTestId('select-exchange-1').click(); -await page.getByTestId('1-exchange-0').click(); -await page.getByTestId('select-exchange-2').click(); -await page.getByTestId('2-exchange-1').click(); +const exchanges = ['1-exchange-0', '2-exchange-1']; +for (const exchange of exchanges) { + await page.getByTestId(`select-exchange-${exchange.charAt(0)}`).click(); + await page.getByTestId(exchange).click(); +} ```
    Combine duplicate class attributes into a single attribute. ___ **Avoid using duplicate class attributes in HTML elements. Combine the class definitions
    into a single attribute to ensure proper behavior and avoid potential conflicts.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/spotPairSelector.svelte [51]]( ```diff - + ```
    Add an aria-label for better accessibility. ___ **Consider adding an aria-label attribute to the button for better accessibility. This will
    help screen readers and other assistive technologies provide more context to users.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/marketMaking/mmlist.svelte [21]]( ```diff -
    Add error handling for page navigation to enhance test reliability. ___ **Implement error handling for navigation and interaction methods to improve test
    reliability.** [interface/tests/grow/arbitrage.spec.ts [8]]( ```diff -await page.goto(''); +try { + await page.goto(''); +} catch (error) { + console.error('Navigation to grow page failed:', error); +} ```
    Best practice
    Refactor duplicated viewport configuration into a shared function for better code reuse. ___ **Refactor duplicated viewport configuration into a shared setup function to improve code
    reuse.** [interface/tests/grow/market-making.spec.ts [4]]( ```diff -test.use({ - viewport: { width: 390, height: 844 }, // iPhone 14 Pro +// In a separate file or a setup function +export const setupViewport = () => ({ + viewport: { width: 390, height: 844 } }); +// Usage in test files +test.use(setupViewport()); + ```
    Replace generic array creation with a specific array for clarity. ___ **Use a more specific method than Array(2) to generate arrays when the size and content are
    known, to improve code clarity and prevent errors in array handling.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/arbitrage/new/easy/exchanges.svelte [218]]( ```diff -{#each Array(2) as _, i} +{#each ['item1', 'item2'] as item, i} ```
    Use named functions for event handlers to enhance code readability and reusability. ___ **Replace the inline function in the on:click event with a named function to improve
    readability and reusability of the code.** [interface/src/lib/components/dialogs/spotPairSelector.svelte [58]]( ```diff - + + ```
    Add descriptive text to the alt attribute of images. ___ **Ensure that the alt attribute for images is descriptive to improve accessibility and SEO.
    Providing a meaningful description helps users who rely on screen readers and also
    supports search engine indexing.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/arbitrage/new/easy/exchanges.svelte [221-224]]( ```diff - +Icon of {$createArbPair.split( ```
    Use a more descriptive alt text for images. ___ **Consider using a more descriptive alt attribute for the image to improve accessibility and
    SEO.** [interface/src/lib/components/market/candle/title.svelte [22]]( ```diff -icon +Exchange Icon ```
    Add a key attribute to list items for better reactivity and performance. ___ **Consider adding a key attribute to each item in the list for better performance and
    predictable behavior during updates.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/marketMaking/new/easy/pair.svelte [111]]( ```diff -{#each marketMakingPairs as item, i} +{#each marketMakingPairs as item, i (} ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. - When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` - With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ``` See the improve [usage page]( for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    Persistent review updated to latest commit

    github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Possible issue
    Add 'binance' to the exchanges array if its removal was unintentional. ___ **Consider adding 'binance' back to the exchanges array if it was removed by mistake. If the
    removal was intentional, ensure that all dependent tests and functionalities are updated
    accordingly.** [interface/src/lib/helpers/hufi/coin.test.ts [20]]( ```diff -const exchanges: SupportedExchanges[] = ['bitfinex', 'mexc'] +const exchanges: SupportedExchanges[] = ['binance', 'bitfinex', 'mexc'] ```
    Refactor repetitive test actions into loops or functions for better maintainability. ___ **Consider using a loop or a function to automate the repetitive test actions for selecting
    exchanges and trading pairs, which will make the code cleaner and more maintainable.** [interface/tests/grow/arbitrage.spec.ts [18-25]]( ```diff -await page.getByTestId('select-exchange-1').click(); -await page.getByTestId('1-exchange-0').click(); -await page.getByTestId('select-exchange-2').click(); -await page.getByTestId('2-exchange-1').click(); -await page.getByTestId('select-trading-pair').click(); -await page.getByTestId('pair-0').click(); +const exchanges = ['1-exchange-0', '2-exchange-1']; +const tradingPairs = ['pair-0']; +for (const exchange of exchanges) { + await page.getByTestId('select-exchange').click(); + await page.getByTestId(exchange).click(); +} +for (const pair of tradingPairs) { + await page.getByTestId('select-trading-pair').click(); + await page.getByTestId(pair).click(); +} ```
    Use a function to handle string splitting for robustness. ___ **Consider using a more specific method than .split("/") directly in the template to handle
    potential errors or edge cases where the expected format might not be met.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/arbitrage/new/easy/exchanges.svelte [227]]( ```diff -{$createArbPair.split("/")[i]} +{getCurrencyName($createArbPair, i)} ```
    Replace repeated SVGs with a reusable component. ___ **Consolidate the repeated SVG elements into a reusable Svelte component to reduce
    redundancy and improve maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/elements/entrance.svelte [28-36]]( ```diff -... -... -... + + + ```
    Use a loop to generate repetitive HTML structures. ___ **Use a loop to generate repetitive HTML structures to simplify the template and enhance
    readability.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/arbitrage/new/easy/exchanges.svelte [219-220]]( ```diff -
    - - ... +{#each Array(2) as _, i} +
    + + ... +
    + ...
    - ... -
    +{/each} ```
    Refactor repetitive logic into a reactive Svelte statement for clarity and maintainability. ___ **Refactor the symbol splitting logic into a reactive statement to clean up the template
    code and improve maintainability.** [interface/src/lib/components/market/candle/title.svelte [23]]( ```diff - {$CandlePair.symbol.split('/')[0]+"/"+$CandlePair.symbol.split('/')[1]} + + {formattedSymbol} ```
    Add error handling to navigation and interaction commands in tests. ___ **Implement error handling for navigation and interaction commands to ensure the test can
    gracefully handle unexpected behaviors or errors during execution.** [interface/tests/grow/market-making.spec.ts [7-13]]( ```diff -await page.goto(''); -await page.getByTestId('market-making').click(); -await page.waitForURL('**/grow/market_making'); +try { + await page.goto(''); + await page.getByTestId('market-making').click(); + await page.waitForURL('**/grow/market_making'); +} catch (error) { + console.error('Error navigating in market-making test:', error); +} ```
    Simplify button styling by removing unnecessary hover effect. ___ **Remove redundant hover style that matches the default background color, as it does not
    change the button appearance on hover.** [interface/src/lib/components/grow/marketMaking/mmlist.svelte [21]]( ```diff -
    Best practice
    Use data-testid attributes instead of XPath for element selection in tests. ___ **Replace direct XPath usage with a more robust method of selecting elements, such as using
    data-testid attributes, to improve test maintainability and readability.** [interface/tests/spot/candlestick.spec.ts [14]]( ```diff -expect(await page.isVisible('//*[@id="candle_select_pair_modal"]/div/div[1]')).toBe(true) +expect(await page.getByTestId('candle_select_pair_modal').isVisible()).toBe(true) ```
    Replace inline JavaScript in event handlers with named functions. ___ **Avoid using inline JavaScript functions in the on:click attribute for better
    maintainability and testability. Instead, define a function in the Githubissues.
  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.