Hu-Fi / Mr.Market

Mr. Market is the exchange oracle of HuFi, and a CeFi crypto bot on Mixin Messenger
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Add campaign launching scripts #56

Closed posix4e closed 4 months ago

posix4e commented 4 months ago




Changes walkthrough

Relevant files
Implement Campaign Launching Script                                           

  • Added a script to launch campaigns using Human Protocol SDK.
  • Integrated with Minio for manifest file storage.
  • Implemented functions for staking, creating escrow, and funding
  • Added error handling and environment variable checks.
  • +262/-0 
    Script to Fetch and Process Campaign Data                               

  • Script to fetch campaign data from a subgraph and process manifests.
  • Filters out localhost manifests and sorts campaigns by fund amount.
  • Saves processed campaign data to a CSV file.
  • +99/-0   
    Add Integration Tests for Campaign Launching                         

  • Added integration tests for campaign launching functionalities.
  • Tests cover token staking, escrow creation, manifest upload, and
    escrow setup.
  • Utilizes Minio for testing manifest file uploads.
  • Includes environment variable checks and error handling in tests.
  • +209/-0 

    PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    vercel[bot] commented 4 months ago

    The latest updates on your projects. Learn more about Vercel for Git ↗︎

    Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
    mr-market ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback Mar 11, 2024 5:51am
    github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

    PR Review

    (Review updated until commit

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4, due to the complexity and the amount of new code added across multiple files, including integration with external services (Minio, Ethereum blockchain) and the use of the Human Protocol SDK. The PR also includes integration tests, which adds to the review complexity.
    🧪 Relevant tests Yes
    🔍 Possible issues Possible Bug: The use of `parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT ?? '')` without checking if `S3_PORT` is actually a valid number could lead to runtime errors if `S3_PORT` is not a valid integer.
    Error Handling: The error handling in asynchronous functions could be improved by specifically catching known error types and providing more detailed error messages to the user.
    Hardcoded Values: The script contains hardcoded values such as chain IDs and token names, which might not be suitable for all use cases or environments.
    🔒 Security concerns No
    Code feedback:
    relevant filescripts/campaign_launcher.ts
    suggestion       Consider validating the `S3_PORT` environment variable to ensure it's a valid integer before parsing. This can prevent runtime errors related to invalid port numbers. [important]
    relevant lineport: process.env.S3_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT) : undefined,

    relevant filescripts/campaign_launcher.ts
    suggestion       Implement more granular error handling for the `try-catch` blocks, especially in functions interacting with external services. This can help in diagnosing issues more effectively. [important]
    relevant line} catch (error: any) {

    relevant filescripts/campaign_launcher.ts
    suggestion       Consider externalizing hardcoded values such as `chainId`, `tokenA`, and `tokenB` into environment variables or a configuration file. This enhances flexibility and ease of configuration. [medium]
    relevant linechainId: 80001,

    relevant filescripts/campaign_launcher_tests.ts
    suggestion       Ensure that the cleanup function in `afterAll` is implemented to clean up any resources or data created during the tests to prevent side effects on subsequent test runs. [medium]
    relevant lineafterAll(() => {

    ✨ Review tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ```
    Utilizing extra instructions
    The `review` tool can be configured with extra instructions, which can be used to guide the model to a feedback tailored to the needs of your project. Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify the relevant sub-tool, and the relevant aspects of the PR that you want to emphasize. Examples for extra instructions: ``` [pr_reviewer] # /review # extra_instructions=""" In the 'possible issues' section, emphasize the following: - Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases? - Is the code logic clear and easy to understand? - Is the code logic efficient? ... """ ``` Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.
    How to enable\disable automation
    - When you first install PR-Agent app, the [default mode]( for the `review` tool is: ``` pr_commands = ["/review", ...] ``` meaning the `review` tool will run automatically on every PR, with the default configuration. Edit this field to enable/disable the tool, or to change the used configurations
    The `review` tool can auto-generate two specific types of labels for a PR: - a `possible security issue` label, that detects possible [security issues]( (`enable_review_labels_security` flag) - a `Review effort [1-5]: x` label, where x is the estimated effort to review the PR (`enable_review_labels_effort` flag)
    Extra sub-tools
    The `review` tool provides a collection of possible feedbacks about a PR. It is recommended to review the [possible options](, and choose the ones relevant for your use case. Some of the feature that are disabled by default are quite useful, and should be considered for enabling. For example: `require_score_review`, `require_soc2_ticket`, and more.
    Auto-approve PRs
    By invoking: ``` /review auto_approve ``` The tool will automatically approve the PR, and add a comment with the approval. To ensure safety, the auto-approval feature is disabled by default. To enable auto-approval, you need to actively set in a pre-defined configuration file the following: ``` [pr_reviewer] enable_auto_approval = true ``` (this specific flag cannot be set with a command line argument, only in the configuration file, committed to the repository) You can also enable auto-approval only if the PR meets certain requirements, such as that the `estimated_review_effort` is equal or below a certain threshold, by adjusting the flag: ``` [pr_reviewer] maximal_review_effort = 5 ```
    More PR-Agent commands
    > To invoke the PR-Agent, add a comment using one of the following commands: > - **/review**: Request a review of your Pull Request. > - **/describe**: Update the PR title and description based on the contents of the PR. > - **/improve [--extended]**: Suggest code improvements. Extended mode provides a higher quality feedback. > - **/ask \**: Ask a question about the PR. > - **/update_changelog**: Update the changelog based on the PR's contents. > - **/add_docs** 💎: Generate docstring for new components introduced in the PR. > - **/generate_labels** 💎: Generate labels for the PR based on the PR's contents. > - **/analyze** 💎: Automatically analyzes the PR, and presents changes walkthrough for each component. >See the [tools guide]( for more details. >To list the possible configuration parameters, add a **/config** comment.
    See the [review usage]( page for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Add validation for parsing S3_PORT as an integer to handle potential NaN values. ___ **Consider checking for the existence of process.env.S3_PORT before parsing it as an
    integer. If S3_PORT is not defined or is an invalid integer, parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT)
    could return NaN, which might lead to unexpected behavior. You can use a conditional
    operator or a separate function to handle this more gracefully.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [14]]( ```diff -port: process.env.S3_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT) : undefined, +port: process.env.S3_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT, 10) : undefined, ```
    Use a robust logging framework or service for error handling instead of console.error. ___ **Using console.error for logging errors in a catch block is a simple way to debug, but for
    production environments, consider using a more robust logging framework or service that
    can categorize, persist, and manage error logs more effectively.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [88]]( ```diff -console.error(`An error occurred: ${error.message}`); +// Example using a hypothetical logging service +Logger.error(`An error occurred: ${error.message}`); ```
    Improve error messages for better debugging and error handling. ___ **For better error handling and debugging, consider adding more specific error messages in
    your catch blocks, especially for operations that might fail due to external dependencies
    or incorrect configurations. This can help identify the source of errors more quickly.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [103]]( ```diff -console.error(`Error in approveStake: ${error.message}`); +console.error(`Error in approveStake due to ${error.message}. Please check the staking client configuration.`); ```
    Best practice
    Specify the radix parameter when using parseInt for clarity and reliability. ___ **It's a good practice to specify the radix parameter when using parseInt to avoid
    unexpected behavior in different environments. The radix parameter specifies the base of
    the number in the string. For decimal numbers, use 10 as the radix.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [14]]( ```diff -port: process.env.S3_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT) : undefined, +port: process.env.S3_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT, 10) : undefined, ```
    Validate and centralize environment variable usage in a separate configuration module. ___ **When using environmental variables directly in the code, it's a good practice to validate
    their existence and format at the start of your application. This can prevent runtime
    errors and make the code more robust. Consider creating a separate configuration module
    that validates and exports these variables.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [22]]( ```diff -const rpcUrl = process.env.RPC_URL; +// In a new configuration module +if (!process.env.RPC_URL) { + throw new Error("RPC_URL is not defined in your environment variables."); +} +export const rpcUrl = process.env.RPC_URL; ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ```
    Enabling\disabling automation
    When you first install the app, the [default mode]( for the improve tool is: ``` pr_commands = ["/improve --pr_code_suggestions.summarize=true", ...] ``` meaning the `improve` tool will run automatically on every PR, with summarization enabled. Delete this line to disable the tool from running automatically.
    Utilizing extra instructions
    Extra instructions are very important for the `improve` tool, since they enable to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project. Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify relevant aspects that you want the model to focus on. Examples for extra instructions: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] # /improve # extra_instructions=""" Emphasize the following aspects: - Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases? - Is the code logic clear and easy to understand? - Is the code logic efficient? ... """ ``` Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.
    A note on code suggestions quality
    - While the current AI for code is getting better and better (GPT-4), it's not flawless. Not all the suggestions will be perfect, and a user should not accept all of them automatically. - Suggestions are not meant to be simplistic. Instead, they aim to give deep feedback and raise questions, ideas and thoughts to the user, who can then use his judgment, experience, and understanding of the code base. - Recommended to use the 'extra_instructions' field to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project, or use the [custom suggestions :gem:]( tool - With large PRs, best quality will be obtained by using 'improve --extended' mode.
    More PR-Agent commands
    > To invoke the PR-Agent, add a comment using one of the following commands: > - **/review**: Request a review of your Pull Request. > - **/describe**: Update the PR title and description based on the contents of the PR. > - **/improve [--extended]**: Suggest code improvements. Extended mode provides a higher quality feedback. > - **/ask \**: Ask a question about the PR. > - **/update_changelog**: Update the changelog based on the PR's contents. > - **/add_docs** 💎: Generate docstring for new components introduced in the PR. > - **/generate_labels** 💎: Generate labels for the PR based on the PR's contents. > - **/analyze** 💎: Automatically analyzes the PR, and presents changes walkthrough for each component. >See the [tools guide]( for more details. >To list the possible configuration parameters, add a **/config** comment.
    See the [improve usage]( page for a more comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

    Persistent review updated to latest commit

    github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Validate all required environment variables at the start of the script. ___ **It's recommended to validate the environment variables at the beginning of your script to
    ensure all required configurations are set before proceeding with the main logic. This can
    prevent runtime errors and make the script more robust.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [10]]( ```diff dotenv.config(); +const requiredEnv = ['S3_ENDPOINT', 'S3_PORT', 'S3_ACCESS_KEY', 'S3_SECRET_KEY', 'RPC_URL', 'PRIVATE_KEY', 'HMT_ADDRESS']; +requiredEnv.forEach(envVar => { + if (!process.env[envVar]) { + throw new Error(`${envVar} is not defined in your environment variables.`); + } +}); ```
    Best practice
    Use specific error types for better error handling. ___ **For better error handling and debugging, consider adding specific error types for
    different failures in your asynchronous functions instead of rethrowing the generic error.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [104]]( ```diff -throw error; // Rethrow the error to handle it in the calling function +throw new CustomError(`Error in approveStake: ${error.message}`); ```
    Validate and convert environment variables to their expected types. ___ **To avoid potential runtime errors due to incorrect environment variable types, explicitly
    check and convert environment variables to their expected types at the point of use.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [14]]( ```diff -port: process.env.S3_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT) : undefined, +port: process.env.S3_PORT ? Number.parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT, 10) : undefined, ```
    Use const for variables that are not reassigned to enforce immutability. ___ **Consider using const for variables that are not reassigned to enforce immutability where
    possible, enhancing code clarity and predictability.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [16]]( ```diff -let minioClient:MinioClient, signer:ethers.Signer, escrowClient: EscrowClient, stakingClient:StakingClient; +const minioClient: MinioClient = new MinioClient({ + endPoint: process.env.S3_ENDPOINT ?? '', + port: parseInt(process.env.S3_PORT ?? ''), + useSSL: process.env.S3_USE_SSL === 'true', + accessKey: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY ?? '', + secretKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_KEY ?? '' +}); ```
    Extract environment variable validation to a separate function. ___ **To improve code readability and maintainability, consider extracting the logic for
    environment variable validation into a separate function.** [scripts/campaign_launcher.ts [22]]( ```diff -const rpcUrl = process.env.RPC_URL; +function validateEnv(variable: string): string { + const value = process.env[variable]; + if (!value) { + throw new Error(`${variable} is not defined in your environment variables.`); + } + return value; +} +const rpcUrl = validateEnv('RPC_URL'); ```

    ✨ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ```
    Enabling\disabling automation
    When you first install the app, the [default mode]( for the improve tool is: ``` pr_commands = ["/improve --pr_code_suggestions.summarize=true", ...] ``` meaning the `improve` tool will run automatically on every PR, with summarization enabled. Delete this line to disable the tool from running automatically.
    Utilizing extra instructions
    Extra instructions are very important for the `improve` tool, since they enable to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project. Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify relevant aspects that you want the model to focus on. Examples for extra instructions: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] # /improve # extra_instructions=""" Emphasize the following aspects: - Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases? - Is the code logic clear and easy to understand? - Is the code logic efficient? ... """ ``` Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.
    A note on code suggestions quality
    - While the current AI for code is getting better and better (GPT-4), it's not flawless. Not all the suggestions will be perfect, and a user should not accept all of them automatically. - Suggestions are not meant to be simplistic. Instead, they aim to give deep feedback and raise questions, ideas and thoughts to the user, who can then use his judgment, experience, and understanding of the code base. - Recommended to use the 'extra_instructions' field to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project, or use the [custom suggestions :gem:]( tool - With large PRs, best quality will be obtained by using 'improve --extended' mode.
    More PR-Agent commands
    > To invoke the PR-Agent, add a comment using one of the following commands: > - **/review**: Request a review of your Pull Request. > - **/describe**: Update the PR title and description based on the contents of the PR. > - **/improve [--extended]**: Suggest code improvements. Extended mode provides a higher quality feedback. > - **/ask \**: Ask a question about the PR. > - **/update_changelog**: Update the changelog based on the PR's contents. > - **/add_docs** 💎: Generate docstring for new components introduced in the PR. > - **/generate_labels** 💎: Generate labels for the PR based on the PR's contents. > - **/analyze** 💎: Automatically analyzes the PR, and presents changes walkthrough for each component. >See the [tools guide]( for more details. >To list the possible configuration parameters, add a **/config** comment.
    See the [improve usage]( page for a more comprehensive guide on using this tool.