Hua-Zhou / TensorReg

Matlab toolbox for tensor regressions
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question about tensorreg RMSE #5

Open lebornjj opened 2 years ago

lebornjj commented 2 years ago

Hi Prof. Zhou,

I have a question on the function kruskal_sparsereg. When I read your paper Tucker Tensor Regression and Neuroimaging Analysis I want to Run through your code. Every thing is fine but I can't find RSME which is in your artical from Matlab result. I seek from the glmstats1 from the result,but still I don't know which is the RSEM. I hope you can help me.

Many thanks!

Hua-Zhou commented 2 years ago

RMSE is calculated by comparing the estimate from kruskal_sparsereg to the true parameter values. It is not part of output from kruskal_sparsereg.