HuajianUP / Photo-SLAM

[CVPR 2024] Photo-SLAM: Real-time Simultaneous Localization and Photorealistic Mapping for Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D Cameras
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem on the viewer #3

Closed Tianci-Wen closed 2 months ago

Tianci-Wen commented 2 months ago

My current problem is that the glfwGetError function cannot be found in I guess my glfw version (3.3.2-1) is wrong. I would like to ask what is your glfwversion? If possible, please also tell me your openglversion. Mine is OpenGL version string: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 535.161.07. Thank you again!

lzy@lzy:~/workingspace/Photo-SLAM/scripts$ ../bin/replica_mono     ../ORB-SLAM3/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt     ../cfg/ORB_SLAM3/Monocular/Replica/office0.yaml     ../cfg/gaussian_mapper/Monocular/Replica/replica_mono.yaml     /home/lzy/workingspace/MonoGS/datasets/replica/office0     ../results/replica_mono_$i/office0     
CUDA available! Training on GPU.

ORB-SLAM3 Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt.

Input sensor was set to: Monocular
Loading settings from ../cfg/ORB_SLAM3/Monocular/Replica/office0.yaml
    -Loaded camera 1
Camera.newHeight optional parameter does not exist...
Camera.newWidth optional parameter does not exist...
    -Loaded image info
    -Loaded ORB settings
Viewer.imageViewScale optional parameter does not exist...
    -Loaded viewer settings
System.LoadAtlasFromFile optional parameter does not exist...
System.SaveAtlasToFile optional parameter does not exist...
    -Loaded Atlas settings
System.thFarPoints optional parameter does not exist...
    -Loaded misc parameters
SLAM settings: 
    -Camera 1 parameters (Pinhole): [ 600 600 599.5 339.5 ]
    -Camera 1 distortion parameters: [  0.000238406 -0.000314798 -7.39231e-05 -2.7716e-05 0 ]
    -Original image size: [ 1200 , 680 ]
    -Current image size: [ 1200 , 680 ]
    -Sequence FPS: 30
    -Features per image: 2000
    -ORB scale factor: 1.2
    -ORB number of scales: 8
    -Initial FAST threshold: 20
    -Min FAST threshold: 7

Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while...
Vocabulary loaded!

Initialization of Atlas from scratch 
Creation of new map with id: 0
Creation of new map with last KF id: 0
Seq. Name: 
There are 1 cameras in the atlas
Camera 0 is pinhole
[Gaussian Mapper]CUDA available! Training on GPU.
[Gaussian Mapper]Reading parameters from "../cfg/gaussian_mapper/Monocular/Replica/replica_mono.yaml"
[ImGuiViewer]Reading parameters from "../cfg/gaussian_mapper/Monocular/Replica/replica_mono.yaml"

Start processing sequence ...
Images in the sequence: 2000

../bin/replica_mono: symbol lookup error: /home/lzy/workingspace/Photo-SLAM/lib/ undefined symbol: glfwGetError
Tianci-Wen commented 2 months ago

I fixed this issue after updating glfw to 3.3.10. But I'm also not sure about the minimum glfw version requirements. This version of glfw can be easily installed by following the commands:

cd glfw
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install