HuangJunye / Qiskit-for-GameDev

Tools for making game with IBM Qiskit
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Supports for game engines #1

Open HuangJunye opened 4 years ago

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

Need to wrap up existing repo for supports in pygame, Unity, and minetest.

Future support include:

  1. PICO-8
  2. Godot
HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

Maybe GBStuido (just maybe)

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

Minetest uses Lua. It should be a simple task use that for Lua based game engines such as LÖVE and PICO-8

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

Another popular game engine is Game Maker Studio. But I have no experience and it’s not free.

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

Other game engine ideas can be found on game engine rankings:

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

How about JavaScript? JavaScript is the most popular language for web frontend. It would be cool to make web playable games directly. This idea is inspired by Piotr Migdał(@stared). Here is a tutorial:

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

Perhaps HTML5/WebGL too.