HubSpot / BuckyServer

Node server that receives metric data over HTTP & forwards to your service of choice
MIT License
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Compatibility with Hosted Graphite #13

Open mdundas opened 9 years ago

mdundas commented 9 years ago

Great project! I'd like to get this working with
Looks like i need to prefix the metrics with my API Key. Where in the code would you recommend doing this?

laubsauger commented 8 years ago

Just in case you have not solved this issue or somebody else stumbles upon this. Here is a guide from hosted graphite: Hosted Graphite - statsd Integration

Basically you want to add this to the config file thats getting passed to statsd when running node stats.js path/to/config.js

You may want to add a console backend to statsd config for local development and testing so you're able to see what statsd is doing.

See my statsd config:

    port: 8125,
    flushInterval: 10000,
    graphitePort: 2003,
    graphiteHost: "",
    graphite: {
      legacyNamespace: false,
      globalPrefix: "your-api-key-goes-here"
    backends: ["./backends/graphite", "./backends/console"]