HubSpot / jinjava

Jinja template engine for Java
Apache License 2.0
690 stars 168 forks source link

Better Marketing #165

Open boulter opened 6 years ago

boulter commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to have a proper site with more extensive documentation, samples and community.

See as an example.

prior commented 6 years ago

and for those docs -- would be nice to note the differences between jinja and jinjava --- like .items() vs .iteritems()

boulter commented 6 years ago

We should just fix that :)

prior commented 6 years ago

We should just fix that :)

Agreed -- I went ahead and created an issue for that:

However, I believe my larger point is still valid. There are apparently purposeful differences between jinja2 and jinjava where documentation would definitely be helpful. For instance the presence of md5 and unixtimestamp filters that are not part of the standard jinja2 builtins

boulter commented 6 years ago

Maybe use ?

prior commented 6 years ago

ooooo -- i really like that -- gonna have to remember docusaurus

TheWebTech commented 6 years ago

Us third-party HS developers would appreciate an official HS documentation site like this and I think at-least a handful of us that frequent the slack channel would help contribute.

Current and more extensive documentation is a win-win for both you guys and us third party developers.

(I'm Jon McLaren, from the HubSpot Design & Developers Slack)

boulter commented 6 years ago

Thanks, Jon. Any documentation here would be a subset of what's on since there are HubSpot-specific extensions on top of Jinjava.

TheWebTech commented 6 years ago

I guess to clarify. I would actually support an open source project or some form of wiki for the HubSpot designer/developer documentation. It could link to the jinjava specific documentation wherever necessary to prevent accidental overlap.

mattcoley commented 5 years ago

Why not power open-source documentation with gitbooks and keep documentation in this repo similar to Singularity?

boulter commented 5 years ago

For any solution, I think the doc source should be in this repo.