HubSpot / offline

Automatically display online/offline indication to your users
MIT License
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requests: false not working #230

Open mariahlin opened 7 years ago

mariahlin commented 7 years ago

I am using service-worker for handling all data transfers but using the offline.js module for indication of online/offline status

I thought we had tested it previously (about 2 months ago) and requests: false was working correctly at that time, but just few days ago i received a message it was not working, even if I have not updated my project for couple of weeks.

arojunior commented 7 years ago

I had the same problem and found the solution reading the code. They changed the parameter from requests to interceptRequests but the documentation is not updated. So you need to use:

Offline.options = { interceptRequests : false }

instead of

Offline.options = { requests : false }

duxthefux commented 7 years ago

For me it's also not working.

I digged a little into the code, and found, that a setTimeout with 0ms is used here:

`setTimeout(function() {

return Offline.getOption("requests") !== !1 ? (Offline.on("confirmed-up", function() {
  return waitingOnConfirm ? (waitingOnConfirm = !1, clear()) :void 0;
}), Offline.on("up", flush), Offline.on("down", function() {
  return waitingOnConfirm = !1;
}), Offline.onXHR(function(request) {
  var _onreadystatechange, _send, async, hold, xhr;
  return xhr = request.xhr, async = request.async, xhr.offline !== !1 && (hold = function() {
    return holdRequest(request);
  }, _send = xhr.send, xhr.send = function(body) {
    return request.body = body, _send.apply(xhr, arguments);
  }, async) ? null === xhr.onprogress ? (xhr.addEventListener("error", hold, !1),
  xhr.addEventListener("timeout", hold, !1)) :(_onreadystatechange = xhr.onreadystatechange,
  xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    return 0 === xhr.readyState ? hold() :4 === xhr.readyState && (0 === xhr.status || xhr.status >= 12e3) && hold(),
    "function" == typeof _onreadystatechange ? _onreadystatechange.apply(null, arguments) :void 0;
  }) :void 0;
}), Offline.requests = {
}) :void 0;

}, 0);`

When you put a console.log(Offline.getOption("requests")) into the timeout closure it returns undefined

Problem described here:

As I really want request to be falseI added return void 0; to the beginning of the closure in setTimeout() and commented out the rest.

Final result:

setTimeout(function() {
return void 0;