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Update Python version used in Lambdas by August 2022 #296

Closed conath closed 1 year ago

conath commented 2 years ago

There is another Python deprecation coming up on August 17, 2022 that affects Hubs Cloud. AWS will stop accepting new lambda functions with Python 3.6, and there will be no more security updates for the Python 3.6 runtime. Judging by the last python deprecation #183, after August 17, this might prevent the creation and updates of Hubs Cloud servers on AWS!

In my Hubs Cloud instance these are the functions that use it:


I removed my AWS region and server name.

To show which functions are affected on your instance, run this in AWS CLI:

> aws lambda list-functions --function-version ALL --region YOUR-REGION --output text --query "Functions[?Runtime=='python3.6'].FunctionArn"
Adi-FHE commented 2 years ago

Is it simply a case of changing of Runtime - Python 3.6 to 3.9 - In the AWS Lambda setup? Or is it required to do some change/updates to my custom client too?

pattersonbl2 commented 1 year ago

This has been updated. AWS lambda is now python3.9.