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[Community Edition] `JsonWebTokenError: invalid signature` on room creation in CE vanilla deploy method #325

Open kfarr opened 6 months ago

kfarr commented 6 months ago

After deployment using vanilla deployment method, and when user attempts to create a room, there is an error:

Peer.js:333 Uncaught (in promise) Error: JsonWebTokenError: invalid signature
    at e.exports._handleResponse (Peer.js:333:18)
    at e.exports.<anonymous> (Peer.js:265:10)
    at a.emit (events.js:153:5)
    at e.exports.safeEmit (EnhancedEventEmitter.js:18:9)
    at _closed._ws.onmessage (WebSocketTransport.js:206:10)

Potential causes: 1) newline issue - zsh / bash handle newlines differently

Potential solutions: 1A) Hardcode the key in your YAML; 1B) newline within docker method 2B) May involve create a k8s network policy YAML, and/or changing GCP specific settings for Service workers / applications behind the haproxy firewall

kfarr commented 6 months ago

Solution 1A, hardcoding the key in your YAML, does seem to work. Please note that it requires re-logging in once you've applied hcce.yaml. I'm guessing the re-login is required to issue a new JWT that uses the new key. However that is not the correct long-term solution so let's keep this issue open.

kfarr commented 6 months ago

Solution 1B, using the docker method, also seems to work. See this Dockerfile file from @Doginal and then run something like this if my notes are correct

docker build . -t hubs-ce-builder:latest
chmod +x
sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app hubs-ce-builder:latest
kfarr commented 6 months ago

For 2B, answer from @Doginal and chatgpt, validated by @kfarr as working.

We need each node worker (the hardware you provisioned for gke) on the gke cluster to have those ports open to the internet as coturn and dialog like to connect via ip not dns.

To convert these AWS CLI commands to their equivalent gcloud commands for use with Google Cloud Platform, you'll need to use the gcloud compute firewall-rules create command. This command is used to create firewall rules in Google Cloud, similar to how security group rules are managed in AWS.

Here are the equivalent gcloud commands for each of your AWS CLI commands:

For TCP port 4443: gcloud compute firewall-rules create rule-name-1 --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:4443 --source-ranges=

For TCP port 5349: gcloud compute firewall-rules create rule-name-2 --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:5349 --source-ranges=

For UDP ports 35000 to 60000: gcloud compute firewall-rules create rule-name-3 --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=udp:35000-60000 --source-ranges=

Doginal commented 6 months ago

For 2B, answer from @Doginal and chatgpt, validated by @kfarr as working.

We need each node worker (the hardware you provisioned for gke) on the gke cluster to have those ports open to the internet as coturn and dialog like to connect via ip not dns.

To convert these AWS CLI commands to their equivalent gcloud commands for use with Google Cloud Platform, you'll need to use the gcloud compute firewall-rules create command. This command is used to create firewall rules in Google Cloud, similar to how security group rules are managed in AWS.

Here are the equivalent gcloud commands for each of your AWS CLI commands:

For TCP port 4443: gcloud compute firewall-rules create rule-name-1 --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:4443 --source-ranges=

For TCP port 5349: gcloud compute firewall-rules create rule-name-2 --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:5349 --source-ranges=

For UDP ports 35000 to 60000: gcloud compute firewall-rules create rule-name-3 --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=udp:35000-60000 --source-ranges=

I can confirm running these gcloud commands immediately allowed my two browsers to have working audio.