It looks like it's looking for phantomCSS as a dependency to phantomFlow. In phantomFlow's package.json, I see phantomCSS. But when I run npm install phantomFlow --save-dev, npm puts phantomCSS as a sibling to phantomFlow in the tree, and the require at line 579 of phantomFlow fails.
I changed test.js to load phantomFlow like this:
var flow = require( path.resolve( 'node_modules' ) + '/phantomflow/phantomflow' ).init({
Hi, this project is awesome, thanks for creating it!
I was able to get it working straight from cloning the repo, and then integrated it into my app.
To integrate it into my app, I had to change some code around in phantomflow.js to get dependencies to load.
But, if I try to use it as an npm dependency, I get this error:
Error: Cannot find module '/node_modules/phantomflow/node_modules/phantomcss/node_modules/phantomjs'
It looks like it's looking for phantomCSS as a dependency to phantomFlow. In phantomFlow's package.json, I see phantomCSS. But when I run npm install phantomFlow --save-dev, npm puts phantomCSS as a sibling to phantomFlow in the tree, and the require at line 579 of phantomFlow fails.
I changed test.js to load phantomFlow like this:
var flow = require( path.resolve( 'node_modules' ) + '/phantomflow/phantomflow' ).init({