HuddleEng / PhantomFlow

Describe and visualise user flows through tests with PhantomJS
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Is the phantomjs not working on an app that is using angular ui-view #60

Closed Jackclarify closed 7 years ago

Jackclarify commented 7 years ago

The ui-view elements are not appear when I use as below:

casper.then( function () {
            phantomcss.screenshot( '.loginWrapper', 'Get login page' );
            this.echo('get login page...');
        } );

the require print out the div null

<div ui-view=\"\" class=\"main-page ng-scope\"></div> it should be:

<div ui-view="" class="main-page ng-scope" style="">
<div class="loginWrapper ng-scope" ng-controller="loginController as vm">
    <div class="login-panel">
        <div login-form="" ng-hide="vm.showForgotPassword || vm.showTOU"><form name="vm.loginForm" ng-submit="vm.login()" class="ng-pristine ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" style="">
    <div class="panel-fields">
        <div class="logo icon-logo"></div>
            <input type="email" name="username" id="username" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" ng-model="vm.username" placeholder="Email" required="" ng-class="{'error': vm.loginError &amp;&amp; username.$pristine}" style="">
            <!-- ngIf: vm.loginError -->
            <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" ng-model="vm.password" placeholder="Password" required="" ng-class="{'error': vm.loginError &amp;&amp; password.$pristine}" style="">
            <!-- ngIf: vm.loginError -->
        <div ng-show="vm.resetEmail" class="ng-binding ng-hide" style="">Reset Password email has been sent to </div>

    <div class="panel-buttons">

        <button id="loginButton" type="submit" class="btn-login ng-binding ng-hide-remove" ng-show="!vm.loginError || vm.loginForm.$dirty" ng-class="{ 'btn-login-green' : vm.loginForm.$valid }">Login</button>
        <button id="errorButton" class="btn-login btn-login-red ng-hide" ng-show="vm.loginError &amp;&amp; !vm.loginForm.$dirty" disabled="disabled" style="">
            <div class="ng-binding">SORRY</div>
            <div class="ng-binding">We didn't recognize that email and password</div>
        <button id="forgotPwdButton" type="button" class="btn-login btn-clear ng-binding" ng-click="vm.showForgotPassword=true">I forgot my password</button>

I tried a hole day with no success, can anyone give me some suggestion? Thanks!

jamescryer commented 7 years ago

This doesn't relate to PhantomFlow. See