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Plugin metadata/search filtering #31

Open noahlange opened 4 years ago

noahlange commented 4 years ago

For starters—keep up the good work! It's an important service for the community.

However, structured plugin metadata + search filtering is pretty close to a must-have feature. Say I'm looking for a plugin that I can use for a commercial project—as far as I can tell, my current best option is to do a title/description search, hope it's in the instructions block, and if not, visit each plugin and then try to ctrl+f it on the external link. It's not really scalable beyond more than one or two plugins.

Gathering the data might be a bit of a pain initially, but I think it'd be well-worth the effort. Even a small collection of tags could grant a huge usability boost.

I'm not particularly familiar with meteor/mongodb/mongoose, but I'd be willing to chip in with the implementation.

Hudell commented 4 years ago

Hi @noahlange , great idea! What do you think of a tag system where any user can add pre-defined tags to any plugin? Then an option to filter in or out any number of tags on the master list?

noahlange commented 4 years ago

I think that'd be a good compromise between manual data entry and comprehensiveness.

Bad-faith tagging would be my only concern, but I'd be surprised if that were an issue in practice. Tracking the number of times a tag's been added and (by default, at least) only returning results beyond a a given tag threshold (+3 or something) would probably address most of the low-hanging fruit.