Closed mmokrejs closed 3 years ago
Well, the primary error is maybe that the index creation failed
+ grep -v '^>' L319_301_S9_L003.trimmomatic.tadpole.k62.shave.rinse.pairs.fasta
+ sort --parallel=16
+ ropebwt2 -LR
+ tr NT TN
+ tr NT TN
+ fmlrc2-convert comp_msbwt.npy
[2021-10-13T16:24:00Z INFO fmlrc2_convert] Input parameters (required):
[2021-10-13T16:24:00Z INFO fmlrc2_convert] Input BWT: "stdin"
[2021-10-13T16:24:00Z INFO fmlrc2_convert] Output BWT: "comp_msbwt.npy"
sort: write failed: /tmp/sortJzvz0h: No space left on device
[M::main_ropebwt2] inserted 1 symbols in 0.002 sec, 0.001 CPU sec
[M::main_ropebwt2] constructed FM-index in 1940.004 sec, 0.001 CPU sec
[M::main_ropebwt2] symbol counts: ($, A, C, G, T, N) = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
[M::main] Version: r187
[M::main] CMD: ropebwt2 -LR
[M::main] Real time: 1940.007 sec; CPU: 0.006 sec
[2021-10-13T16:56:20Z INFO fmlrc::bwt_converter] Converted BWT with symbol counts: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[2021-10-13T16:56:20Z INFO fmlrc::bwt_converter] RLE-BWT byte length: 1
[2021-10-13T16:56:20Z INFO fmlrc2_convert] RLE-BWT conversion complete.
grep: write error: Broken pipe
giving me comp_msbwt.npy only 97 bytes long.
Still I thing parsing the commandline should raise an error.
fmlrc2 -t 16 -C 10 -k 21 33 41 59 79 comp_msbwt.npy input.fastq.gz output.fasta
error: The following required arguments were not provided:
Yes, as stated in the help menu, the default method would be:
-k, --K <kmer_sizes>... k-mer sizes for correction, can be specified multiple times (default: "-k 21 59")
Please provide an example other than default. -k 21 59 79 127 does not work for example and follwing the instructions it should?
Hi, luckily I realized that the output file is exactly same with my input by comparing checksums. It appears to me the
values were ignored, with I assume a spurious message output speaking about k-mer sizes 21 and 59 only:By reading I see the syntax shuld be different. Please improve the parsing or at least, improve the and give an example how to use multiple k-mer sizes.
output a summary how many correction changes it did per dataset?