Love the mod, MUCH more convenient than manually checking for updates on every mod I have installed. But I have a few requests that would make it even better for me!
[Github releases]
Check the sources linked through modrinth/curse for a github page, and check that page for possible new releases.
[Run on server console]
It is quite inconvenient to get all of the links to server mods on my client, and then have to send them all to my server. At the very lest add an optional argument that shows the list on the server. I understand they won't be clickable, but maybe add an option to show the links in the console so they can be copied/pasted, with an option for direct download or linking to modrinth/curse/github page
[Autoupdate preview]
It would be very nice if it would show me what mods it is about to auto install BEFORE actually doing it. Letting me review and opt out of updating some mods.
[Datapack support]
Not sure how possible this actually is, but checking datapacks against their most up to date versions on planetminecraft would be a great feature to have.
Love the mod, MUCH more convenient than manually checking for updates on every mod I have installed. But I have a few requests that would make it even better for me!
[Github releases]
Check the sources linked through modrinth/curse for a github page, and check that page for possible new releases.
[Run on server console]
[Autoupdate preview]
[Datapack support]
Thank you for your consideration.