HughP / LinguisticsLibrarianList

This is an Awesome List for resources for Linguistics Librarians and Archivists dealing with Language Artifacts.
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removed 'started and initiated by' territorial stamp #15

Closed cesine closed 9 years ago

cesine commented 9 years ago

instead i would suggest adding a more github-like contribution convention so you might get more contributors to join you in your project based on

You might like this video which discusses how you can recruit people and grow your project. here is the section which talks about why you shouldnt put the stated and initiated by in your project readme

17:41and we're talking about it people not owning 17:44certain parts of the code base it's okay to be an expert on certain parts the 17:47code base 17:48but we often see happening both inside corporations and an open source project 17:52certain people certain marking of their territories and saying this is mine and 17:55you can't touch it unless you talk to me 17:57and that is very very bad for collaboration 18:01so one of the ways you can discourage that do not let people put their names 18:05at the top of source code files 18:07there are plenty chances for attribution. there's always a file that 18:10describes who 18:11the the main contributors to the project are. there's always the 18:15some the change log, history the version control which records who commits 18:19what when 18:19you can annotate the code and see who wrote what when so it's not that you're 18:23not going to get credit for you doing if if somebody isn't looking 18:26but as soon as you see a name in a file make somebody nervous and make them think uhoh 18:30should I really be trying to fix this bug here without you know my stepping on 18:34somebody's toes 18:35if it's a if everything's anonymous it really feels like everybody owns 18:38everything else unless it's a great practice. 18:40and even even worse than that is the at what point do I put my name in the file 18:45problem 18:46is it into line changes a four-line chains I reformat the code I wrote a 18:50comment 18:51where its it anyway wanted to be a lot a lot I think 18:54more petty stuff that you just don't have time for you don't focus on that.

We all know you initiated the project :) Every fork shows very clearly that you are the initiator.. screen shot 2015-03-10 at 10 16 05 pm