HughParsonage / grattan

Common quantitative tasks for Australian policy analysts
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Model income tax doc #173

Closed HughParsonage closed 5 years ago

HughParsonage commented 5 years ago

@MattCowgill let me know what you think of the most recent commit (i.e. the vignette)

MattCowgill commented 5 years ago

Thanks @HughParsonage. I have to try and finalise the dental report today and will try to review this over the weekend.

MattCowgill commented 5 years ago

Thanks @HughParsonage. Sorry for the delay. @k-griffiths is having a look to see if she can think of anything else that would be useful to add.

PS Github won't let me merge the PR while Travis is failing

HughParsonage commented 5 years ago
MattCowgill commented 5 years ago

Thanks @HughParsonage this is all really helpful. As I said yesterday, I'm happy to merge the PR once @k-griffiths is happy, although Github won't let me merge while Travis is failing. From Tuesday I'll have some time to devote to this, so I hope we can talk next week.

k-griffiths commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to construct a simple income tax change (increasing the top rate to 50%) and look at the budget impact in different years. I've then compared the outputs to STINMOD+ and they’re wildly different:

## Get latest year of ATO data (2015-16)
s1516 <- sample_file_1516_synth %>%
         mutate(fy.year = "2015-16",
                WEIGHT = 50, # Years with a 1% sample file have a weight of 100; years with a 2% sample file have a weight of 50
                id = rownames(sample_file_1516_synth)) %>% 

## Project data forward to current financial year (2018-19)
s1819 <- project(s1516, h = 3L) %>%
         mutate(fy.year = "2018-19") %>% 

## Increase highest income tax rate to 50% in 2018-19
s1819_alt_tax_rate <- model_income_tax(s1819, baseline_fy = "2018-19",
                                   ordinary_tax_thresholds = c(0, 18200, 37000, 80000, 180000),
                                   ordinary_tax_rates = c(0, 0.19, 0.325, 0.37, 0.50),
                                   return. = "")

revenue_foregone(s1819_alt_tax_rate) #"$5.9 billion" extra revenue in 2018-19
revenue_foregone(s1819_alt_tax_rate, revenue_positive = TRUE) #"$5.9 billion" (same result with or without revenue_positive = TRUE)

## STINMOD+ comparison $1.8 billion in 2018-19 
HughParsonage commented 5 years ago

What's happening here: multiply_by(s1819[["WEIGHT"]][1L]). You seem to be multiplying total tax by the projected weight, but I don’t get the 1L bit

[1L] just means the first element. Since all weights are the same, we only need to multiply by the first.

What is Sw_amt? excl_vars is documented but I can’t find anything on Sw_amt

Sw_amt is a column in the sample file, salary/wages amount.

HughParsonage commented 5 years ago

Re the comparison with STINMOD, the reasons for the difference from most important to least:

k-griffiths commented 5 years ago

Thanks Hugh. I've changed the second-highest rate now (it's $90k for 2018-19) and the results are still wildly different ($4.5b vs. $1.8b). The synthetic file doesn't make any difference to the total revenue gained. It must be something to do with the baseline comparison point, I'll keep working on it for now, but this would be a good example to add to the vignette.

k-griffiths commented 5 years ago

I've now tried aligning model_income_tax outputs with both STINMOD+ and the Roach model. The big difference is for 2018-19 and STINMOD+ is the odd one out. All three fairly close for 2021-22.

# Get latest ATO sample file (2015-16)
data2016<- read.csv("2016 sample file/2016_sample_file.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

d1516 <- data2016 %>%
  mutate(fy.year = "2015-16",
         WEIGHT = 50, # Years with a 1% sample file have a weight of 100; years with a 2% sample file have a weight of 50
         id = rownames(data2016)) %>%

# Project data forward to current financial year (2018-19)

d1819 <- project(d1516, h = 3L) %>%
  mutate(fy.year = "2018-19") %>%

# Increase highest income tax rate to 50%

d1819_alt_tax_rate <- model_income_tax(d1819, baseline_fy = "2018-19",
                                       ordinary_tax_thresholds = c(0, 18200, 37000, 90000, 180000),
                                       ordinary_tax_rates = c(0, 0.19, 0.325, 0.37, 0.50))

revenue_foregone(d1819_alt_tax_rate) # "$4.1 billion" in extra revenue in 2018-19
# STINMOD+ comparison $1.8 billion in 2018-19 
# Roach comparison $4.3 billion in 2018-19

# Model income tax in 2021-22 under the higher income tax rate of 50%

d2122 <- project(d1516, h = 6L) %>%
  mutate(fy.year = "2021-22") %>%

d2122_alt_tax_rate <- model_income_tax(d2122, baseline_fy = "2018-19",
                                       ordinary_tax_thresholds = c(0, 18200, 37000, 90000, 180000),
                                       ordinary_tax_rates = c(0, 0.19, 0.325, 0.37, 0.50))

revenue_foregone(d2122_alt_tax_rate) # "$5.1 billion" in extra revenue in 2021-22
# STINMOD+ comparison $5.5 billion in 2021-22
# Roach comparison $5.6 billion in 2021-22

# Model income tax in 2022-23 under the higher income tax rate of 50%

d2223 <- project(d1516, h = 7L) %>%
  mutate(fy.year = "2022-23") %>%

# Assume thresholds stay the same as 2018-19, only the top tax rate changes
d2223_alt_tax_rate_only <- model_income_tax(d2223, baseline_fy = "2018-19",
                                            ordinary_tax_thresholds = c(0, 18200, 37000, 90000, 180000),
                                            ordinary_tax_rates = c(0, 0.19, 0.325, 0.37, 0.50),
                                            return. = "")

revenue_foregone(d2223_alt_tax_rate_only) # "$5.4 billion" in extra revenue compared to 2018-19 if thresholds are kept as per 2018-19 and top tax rate increased)
# STINMOD+ comparison $5.4 billion in 2022-23
# No Roach comparison available