HughParsonage / grattan

Common quantitative tasks for Australian policy analysts
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Data update - November 2019 #198

Closed MattCowgill closed 4 years ago

MattCowgill commented 4 years ago

This is a data update.

Note: I made some minor changes to put-data.R. These primarily involved coercing objects to data.frame() to avoid the warnings that the latest dtplyr throws when using dplyr syntax on data.table objects.

I ran pkgdown::build_site() and encountered an error related to budget-2019.Rmd. There's an error at line 729:

Quitting from lines 729-743 (budget-2018.Rmd) 
Error in eval(jsub, SDenv, parent.frame()) : object 'Ind' not found

R CMD check passes with no errors, warnings or notes locally and on Travis.

DaniWood commented 4 years ago

Appveyor is spurious -- using an old version of a package.