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When people use the cite feature, they often prefer to directly copy the bibliography (bib) information to their clipboard instead of downloading a bib file. It would be better to design a floating window that appears when the Cite button is clicked, allowing users to easily copy the bib information.
When people use the cite feature, they often prefer to directly copy the bibliography (bib) information to their clipboard instead of downloading a bib file. It would be better to design a floating window that appears when the Cite button is clicked, allowing users to easily copy the bib information.
Motivation and context
Some academic websites allow direct copying. I think it's better than download the bib file: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/3295222.3295349 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Attention-is-All-you-Need-Vaswani-Shazeer/204e3073870fae3d05bcbc2f6a8e263d9b72e776 https://research.google/pubs/attention-is-all-you-need/